Luxcian Ethnicity in Rule of Chaos | World Anvil
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Luxcians are the main ethnicity within the Luxcian kingdom and are overseen by the god of order, Gaius. They value orderliness above all else and are very law-oriented. Luxcians are typically not mages as Luxcium has a strict no magic policy. Most modern day Luxcians are ill equipped physically to use magic because it has not been used in generations and they can no longer externalize mana the same way Vestijan mages can.

Naming Traditions

Feminine names

Blair, Ilya, Sieya

Masculine names

Milosk, Tievel

Other names

Usually include an "i" or "s" in the names.


Major language groups and dialects


Average technological level

Highly advanced. Very efficient transport, and clean and sustainable energy.

Common Etiquette rules

Luxcians pride themselves on their politeness. People must be careful in their speech and always thank

Common Dress code

No bright colors and predominantly white clothing. A lot of Luxcian clothing has pointed shoulders or just generally is sharp. Minimalistic clothing is preferred.

Funerary and Memorial customs

Most people are buried shortly after they die.

Common Taboos

Magic, speaking ill of Gaius, non-conformity

Common Myths and Legends

They have a creation myth similar to that of Vestijans but it is slightly different. They believe that Gaius created and saved humanity from the evil chaos goddess, Mija.


Beauty Ideals

Luxcians tend to think paleness as a sign of beauty and for both women and men to be viewed as attractive they should be fit or thin.

Gender Ideals

Women are expected to be family care takers while men are expected to do most of the labor and work.

Relationship Ideals

An ideal Luxcian relationship isn't necessarily something that's romantic. Luxcians value practicality above everything else and that extends to their marriages as well. A lot of Luxcians have arranged marriages for this reason. An ideal relationship is one that provides prosperity for both parties and is stable and self-sustaining.

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