Lochenstein Organization in Roy | World Anvil
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Lochenstein is the second largest country in the world of Roy (second only to Novoras), and the largest on the continent of Wyckskallum. Founded some 6,000 years ago, it is a young but powerful nation. The country was originally founded by both House Lochenstein and House Saxburry. Lovers of logical and rationalism the name Lochenstein stuck with the nation through the years because it best described the philosphy of the nation. Lochenstein stands out in the world for it's market enterprises and economy as well as it's commitment to limit further expanding its territories. The country of Lochenstein values peace and stability, and throughout it's history has fought, when necessary to maintain peace and stability. Lochensteinian's are world renown for their knowledge of the medicinal arts. Their healers have no peers.


Lochenstein is structued as a parlimentary Monarchy. The title of King is hereditary, and the king serves for life. As the head of State the King has the ability to declare war, serves as the chief justice on the Supreme Court, and also makes and enforces laws. There have been cases were a vice-regent, which is the heir apparent to the kingdom, has jointly ruled with the king. The Parliment is made up of three branches. The first branch is made up of territorial govenors, called dukes. Dukes also inherit their titles. The second branch is made up of lawyers, often time minor nobles, and some buisnessmen. Each Duchy gets two appointies. One is appointed by the Duke, and one is appointed by popular vote. There is no time limit on how long these appointies may serve. The final branch is the largest branch of parliment. This is the populous branch and is open to any citizen who owns property in the country. No one may serve more than 10 years in the populous branch of government.


Lochenstein culture is highly pragmatic and logical. Most Lochensteiniens believe in the value of hard worker, and indvidualistic. Many live close to or by family and family units tend to be close. Rationalism is the primary underlining philosphy of the nation.

Public Agenda

Currently Lochenstein's public agenda is to help restore peace to the country of Syrrh.


Lochenstein controls about 70 percent of the continent of Wyckskallum. They also do have vast amounts of iron, gold, copper, tin, and admantium. There is also a large logging industry, and the country has several rivers and water ways making it well irrigated. There is vast amounts of farmland as well


  • 14900-1505 King Jaeq "the Just" Volare Saxbury I reigns
  • 14920 King Jaeq establishes magical academies
  • 14950 The rebellion of House Shay
  • 16400 The discovery of the magical imprint
  • 17000 The Codex is made
  • 17005 The Codex is adopted by all of Lochenstein


Lochenstein holds most of the continent of Wyckskallum, and holds ports on two major coastlines. The country gained the territory through a variey of means which included trade, purchases, marriage alliances, and conquest. The total land area of the country is 10,486,637 Sq Mi.


Has a proffesional military with roughly 2 million personnel. Some ten percent of them are deployed in Syyrh.


Officially Lochenstein has no state religion and allows for the freedom of religious expression as a basic right to the all of it's citizens. However, Lochensteinian law is based around several congruent moral laws found in various religions. This had the effect of creating a syncrystic religion where the average citizen cannot tell the difference between what their professed religion states, and what the state and culture dictate they do and/or believe. Despite the differences in the religions of Lochenstein the average citizen sees the government and it's laws as not only morally correct but semi-divine. Unless a person is deeply religious, or trained in a religious institute, they most likely conflate worship of their chosen deity with the worship of the state. While people may worship different deities, most see their deities and the state as being in lock-step. Many promote the interest of the state above that of their religion simply because they can not tell the difference.    As a direct result of this Paladins, almost universely swear the vows to the state in the name of their diety. They can be found serving as either a Marshal for the King’s/Duke's justice, or in the military. The most elite are chosen to be the bodyguards of the royal family and high ranking nobilit. Those that fail to attain that job often serve in elite units in the military.


In an effort to keep magic users from becoming to powerful and causing general anarchy, Lochenstein law states that all magic users are required to register with the government. Once a citizen has shown magical potential they are made to cast a series of spells in front of a panel of licensed government officials. Those officials then imprint the magical signature of the citizen into a codex. Because no two magic users have an identical signature, the codex can provide the identity of any magic user in the country who may have committed a crime, made a product, or performed any magical action.    Lochensteinian law strictly prohibts the use of necromatic magic (Revivify is not classified as a necromatic magic) and anyone caught practicing necromancy is eligible to recieve the death penalty.    There is also a permit system in Lochenstein so that magic users do not perminatly harm the enviroment through enviromental manipulation.


While the Lochensteinian Government does not dictate a career path for any of it citizens, they do provide schooling. Through education the government has been able to better regulate what magic is being taught. The country has several schooling options, evenly spread in its borders for different types of magic users. It is normal and societally accepted that those who display a proficiency with certain types of magic would go to a school that can help them better harness and safely use that magic. The boards that students pass help them advance to higher education where they learn more difficult magic. The school records are also recorded in the codex. No schools, accept military academies, and those that train citizens to administer the kings justice are permitted to teach destructive or lethal magic.

Bravely and Faithfully

14400 - N/A

Geopolitical, Country
Alternative Names
The Empire of Lochenstein
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Mixed economy
Camelot, The Adirondian Mountain Range, Kalakithino Castle
The economy of Lochenstein is mixed with many peasants adn even some nobles engaging in a trade and barter system. However their is a central bank that is under authority of the crown. The common unity of pay is the Gold Schilling, however silver and platinum schillings are also used.
Executive Body
The king and dukes are responsible for the enforcement of laws across the whole of Lochenstein.
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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