The Innards of Empire Vol.1 Prose in Routed! | World Anvil
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The Innards of Empire Vol.1

"The Darcassian Dockside splits the Capital in two. Trade barges unload valuables while sailors, travelers, and merchants bump shoulders on piers and docks. Thieves and pickpockets wait in the shadows for easing pickings. The sky is blanketed with dense clouds coughed up by Imperial Foundries. The canal water has a sickly grey hue and... slurches as they wash against the pier supports."   "I continued my journey through the Darcassian Capital. I clung to the Dockside as I had never seen the sea before. Darcassians were offloading Blue Marble from a barge and onto dry land. Blue Marble is often dredged out of the sea by the Darcassians. Even through the smoke, snow, and fog, I can still see the buildings thanks to their blue hue."   "Every block or so, I saw a statue. It is an image of one of their Martocrats, or maybe the ideal of one. I have seen three ways they portray their Martocrat. One, in a heroic pose, adorned in armored plate and looking off fearlessly in the distance. Two, staring inquisitively at a beaker. Third is the least flattering. A Martocrat lying dead, held in the mourning arms of the masses."   "Makes me chuckle. Humans have strange tastes in art."   "Gah, will write more soon. I have to wipe the soot off of my draft here. Or maybe it is snow?"   "That's better. After a morning of walking the streets I decided to stop by and try out the Darcassian Cuisine. It is... look I'm not going to mince words here, it looks like an abomination. Darcassians espouse the virtue of efficiency. They think taking the time to make a suitable dish takes too long and is thus inefficient. But this could hardly be described as food. Like the water, it is a grey slop that... slurches against the sides of the plate and bowl."   "I think there's something swimming in it. Oh Gods, I think I'm going to be sick."   "On a side note, the drinks salvage the situation. Use it to wash out the smut that Darcassian's call food. Seriously, I can see it bubbling and writhing. The drinks are suitably Darcassian though. Yes, it does taste like gasoline with a touch of coal but after swishing it around it... has a sort of tang. Walking out of that dingy Dockside Bar I felt an excitement come over me. I don't think I thought nearly as fast or was able to process so much than if I hadn't drunk that. Efficiency indeed."   "I won't talk more about the food. Its either hard as a rock, looks like boat propellant (or gun powder. Darcassians are absolutely willing to put Zerizite in their food), or looks like it came from a pipe leak. Some of it glows and mutates, likely from Zerizite seasoning. Not a fan, nope, not at all."   "Darcassians are fun folk to drink with too. Dock workers, off duty Vennacti, even some nobles come down to share a drink or five. I recommend these, the Martocrat's Surprise, Bekthelian Extract, the Sea Trader's Boast, Revolutionary Rum, and my favorite, Darcassian Public Radio Whisked."   Cadmus Tallow, Uribasan Trader, Explorer, Travelogue Writer, and overall Goodmin


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