The lost Fables of Rondo Myth in Rondo | World Anvil
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The lost Fables of Rondo

These are a series of various fables I have collected thought my long life, often tailed to children are often to teach them a lesson." - Researcher Bob Hendrickson the V


Fable 1

Once upon a time, in the land of Rondo, there was a small village nestled in a valley between the mountains. The villagers lived simple, happy lives, tending to their crops and animals and enjoying the warm sunshine.
One day, a terrible dragon descended upon the village, breathing fire and causing destruction wherever it went. The villagers were terrified, not knowing how to stop the dragon and protect their homes.
  But among the villagers was a brave and clever young girl named Lila. She knew that the dragon was afraid of water, and so she came up with a plan. She gathered all of the villagers and led them to the river that flowed through the valley.
  Together, they used buckets and buckets of water to douse the dragon's flames, until it was finally defeated. The villagers rejoiced and thanked Lila for her bravery and quick thinking. From that day on, Lila was hailed as a hero, and the villagers lived in peace once again.
  The end.

Fable 2

Once upon a time, in the land of Rondo, there lived a little tortle named Tommy. Tommy lived in a small village on the shores of the Sunken Banks, a region of Rondo known for its dark and dangerous waters.
Despite the dangers that lurked in the depths of the ocean, Tommy was a curious and adventurous little tortle. He loved nothing more than to explore the shores and the waters around his village, discovering all the secrets and wonders of the world.
One day, as Tommy was wandering along the beach, he came across a beautiful seashell. It was unlike any he had ever seen, with swirling patterns and colors that glinted in the sunlight. Without hesitation, Tommy picked up the shell and slipped it into his pocket.
As he walked home, Tommy couldn't stop thinking about the beautiful shell. He was determined to find out more about it and where it had come from. So, he set out on a journey across the Sunken Banks, determined to discover the secrets of the sea.
  Along the way, Tommy encountered all sorts of dangers and wonders. He encountered fierce sea monsters and treacherous tides, but he also met kind and friendly sea creatures who helped him on his journey.
Finally, after many days of travel, Tommy arrived at a beautiful underwater reef. There, he met an old sea turtle who told him the story of the shell. It was a magical shell, imbued with the power of the sea. The sea turtle explained that the shell was a gift from the mermaids, who had placed it on the shore as a reward for those who showed kindness and courage.
  Overjoyed by his discovery, Tommy returned home with the shell, determined to share its magic with all his friends and family. From that day on, Tommy became known as the bravest and kindest tortle in all of Rondo, and his village prospered and grew thanks to the magic of the beautiful seashell.
The end.

fable 3

  Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a young princess named Aurora. Aurora was the most beautiful princess in all the land, with long golden hair and sparkling blue eyes. She lived in a grand castle, surrounded by a lush and verdant forest.
One day, as Aurora was walking through the forest, she came upon a clearing where a group of animals were gathered. There was a wise old owl, a mischievous fox, a kind-hearted rabbit, and a brave little squirrel.
  The animals had come together to discuss a problem. A wicked witch had cast a spell on the forest, turning all the trees into stone. The animals were worried that if the spell wasn't broken, the forest would never thrive again.
  Aurora, who was known for her kind heart and her bravery, offered to help the animals break the witch's spell. With the help of the wise old owl, she set off on a journey to find the ingredients for a magic potion that would break the spell.
Together, they gathered the rarest and most powerful ingredients from across the land - a feather from a golden eagle, a tear from a mermaid, and a sprig of rosemary from a enchanted garden.
When they returned to the forest, Aurora mixed the ingredients together in a cauldron and brewed a powerful magic potion. She sprinkled the potion over the trees, and as the magic took hold, the stone trees began to crumble and fall away, revealing the green and vibrant trees beneath.
  The animals rejoiced and threw a grand celebration, thanking Aurora for her bravery and her kind heart. And from that day on, the forest was once again a place of beauty and magic, thanks to the young princess and her friends.  

Fable 4

  In a world where magic and adventure abound, there is a land called Rondo, filled with wondrous creatures and exciting adventures.
In this land, there lived a young boy named Jack who dreamed of one day becoming a great hero. Jack lived in a small village on the edge of the forest, and every day he would venture out to explore the woods and meet all kinds of magical creatures.
  One day, Jack came across a group of mischievous fairies who had gotten themselves into trouble. They had accidentally caused a drought in the forest, and all of the plants and animals were suffering.
  Jack knew he had to help, so he set out to find a way to bring rain back to the forest. He searched high and low, consulting with wise old wizards and talking to the animals who lived in the woods.
Finally, he came up with a plan. He gathered up all of the rainclouds he could find and used his magic to bring them to the forest. As the clouds released their rain, the plants and animals were able to flourish once again.
  The fairies were grateful to Jack, and they rewarded him with a special gift. From that day on, Jack was able to fly whenever he wanted, soaring through the skies and exploring all kinds of new places.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting


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