Sunken Banks Organization in Rondo | World Anvil
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Sunken Banks

The tortle won the bloody and long-lasting wars against aquatic life thus dominating the tritons, sea elves, lucathath, grung and vedalken and have ruled supreme for 500 years and counting, rebellions have been resisted just like the tortle shells resist damage, by ignoring the problem until it goes away.

Notable locations

The great Reafer Stepps is a beautiful underwater reef that is massive in size and utterly beautiful even with the sheer amount of underwater combat that has occurred the Stepps are untouched because of their beauty and symbology to all the undersea (former)nations.


The Treaty of Tortadonis was signed 500 years ago after the Valken Empire surrendered to the Tortlian Shore Banks so they could survive post-underwater wars.

Demography and Population

Tortles rose to power by mostly staying out of the underwater wars until the Valdalkken won the ‘final’ underwater war. But it was a pyrrhic victory so the tortles gained rulership of all of the Sunken Banks through that, simply accepting the power and responsivity.

Tritons the tritons came to the material planes with the best of intentions but the world of Rondo is a dark place, its corruptive power worked upon them until they decided to crusade against all undersea dweller not just their elemental foes. This didn’t end well for them, they won many battles and wars but overextended themselves until their civilisation collapsed under the strain.

Sea elves fell in love with the beauty of the Sunken Banks early on in the world but they were always too peaceful for the depths of the sunken banks and were attacked and plundered so often their civilization was consumed by the other faction.

Veldalkens won the final underwater wars but it was a pyrrhic victory for them, with the banks being as dangerous as they are they had to bow down to Tortles to survive the waters, they still want to rule the banks and have unsuccessfully tried rebelling but there is a reason they survived the war, their cities are built like their shells.

Lucathath tba Grung tba
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Legislative Body
Shore Council a council of old Tortle elected to the council, after the treaty of Tortadonis at least one member of each race must be appointed.
Donna okneel tortle
Micca okneel tortle
Leeona okneel tortle
Raffa okneel tortle
Ursaluak darksage triton
Flipsom Flopsom sea elf
Meldy deeps veldaken
Sebcratian crusty Grung
Percious Aquious Lucathath
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Sunken Banks


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