Dake'ladak Organization in Rondo | World Anvil
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The countries' colours are black dark grey and white.


The Drow Enslaved all other ethnicies of elves during the formation of Dak'ladak, it was... a bloody affair with much of it too disturbed to record where civilised folk will read it.

Demography and Population

Drow are the dominant race in the region, a long time ago the 13 families (then 20) united together to destroy their neighbours through history they destroy then subsumed all of the other level races driving off those who didn’t conform to their need into the Wastelands and beyond to die. They conduct murder-frelling orgies regularly or when they can organise it angelic/demonic slaughter orgies that they simply call a Nephalem orgy.
Wood Elves dominated the forests inside of the region but as time went on they were driven back again and again by the Dake’ladak being enslaved or killed until they were driven to the BloodBound Forest. But the drow made a mistake by murder frelling 77% of the population within a short period of time with the Wood Elven Queen and princess being the first and last, thus binding all the deaths into powerful wards that block all those who spilt the blood. Now the wood elves go out on a wild hunt to provide the deaths to keep the ward powered.
High Elves the former civilization of the High Elves Magoknia was a prosperous magical society, they believed in the scientific process in reaction to magic driving them to new heights, unfortunately, Magoknia did not survive the Great Calamity and the subsequent Second Great War.
Due to High Elves being Useless (according to the Drow) they are delegated to Menial Work. There is a Dark Brotherhood of High Elves who are planning a rebellion to strike back at the Drow Owners.
Tieflings dwell in underground hives in which the law is in your strength of arms. Drow raids are often but are more of a fun sport on both sides, an oddly friend rivalry between the two races considering the amount of blood spilt.


Pitch markets located in Ked’tayat in the Teifling hives where you can buy anything and everything if you have the coin and will.
BloodBound Forest location of the Wood Elf Remnant and where wild hunts happen.
Mount Dispare and torment, the food is to die for, literally, if you don’t compliment the chef then they kill them, you can even do it yourself if you pay, those Drow are such a funny bunch.

Foreign Relations

Due to Constant Smuggling You are considered to be in the country as long as you do not apply for an Exit Visa and leave through an approved Exit. You are considered as entered the country as long as you have touched the soil of the country. If you do not obtain a guide within 13 Hours of entering the Country you are considered an illegal Immigrant and can be freely enslaved by any who defeat you.

Pain is Pleasure

Founding Date
650 AGC
Geopolitical, Country
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Barter system
Major Exports
Bred slaves to be sold elsewhere.
Major Imports
Slaves of non elves.
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Controlled Territories


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