Bloodsteel Material in Riverwall | World Anvil
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The Acii people are an enslaved people, abused as a resource by the Riverwall empire. They are bled/milked for the riches their blood holds, namely the bloodthread which gives steel forged from their blood the unique qualities of strength, flexibility and sharpness when used for blades. The empire does not know the secrets to refining the blood in the ways of the Acii people. The product the Empire gets from smelting the dried blood into iron and steel results in a tainted alloy of deep red color. When forged into steel tools, weapons, and armor, the metal is banded and mottled like Damascus steel, alternating lighter and darker shades of blood-red, thus the name, Bloodsteel. The Bloodsteel Guard’s weapons and armor are composed entirely of Bloodsteel, the equivalent of a king’s yearly taxation in value. The only thing a Bloodsteel blade cannot cut is the refined thread and cloth of the free Acii people which is whiter than the purest white samite. The cloth will not take a stain and is used for ceremonial cloth, armor of wrapped cording, and unbreakable cables.


Material Characteristics

When forged into steel tools, weapons, and armor, the metal is banded and mottled like Damascus steel, alternating lighter and darker shades of blood-red, thus the name, Bloodsteel.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Bloodsteel is superior to normal steel in all ways. It is lighter, stronger, more flexible and able to take a keener edge and maintain that edge through severe use. Bloodsteel is able to cut through other metals and resist damage from other metals. It is much more resistant to being cut by white silk threads than regular steel, but its protection is less than ideal.

Origin & Source

Bloodsteel comes from the smelting of iron ore and the blood of the Acii people.

History & Usage

Everyday use

weapons, armor, decorative, high stress metal parts, tools Edged weapons forged with Bloodsteel will do an extra 1 point of damage due to their enhanced sharpness and resistance to dulling. Weapons forged of Bloodsteel are twice as difficult to break or shatter. If one is wearing armor forged of Bloodsteel the Armor Rating increases by 2 points. This does not include leather armors.

Cultural Significance and Usage

Bloodsteel is only attainable by the award of the Emperor or through theft. Anyone found possessing Bloodsteel without imperial approval will be immediately sentenced to death.


The Riverwall empire does not know the secrets to refining Acii Bloodsilk.


Trade & Market

Bloodsteel is only attainable by the award of the Emperor or through theft. Anyone found possessing Bloodsteel without imperial approval will be immediately sentenced to death.

Law & Regulation

Bloodsteel is only attainable by the award of the Emperor or through theft. Anyone found possessing Bloodsteel without imperial approval will be immediately sentenced to death.
The metal is Banded and mottled like Damascus steel, alternating lighter and darker shades of blood-red, thus the name, Bloodsteel.

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