Rise of the bloody hand History of the World Timeline
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History of the World

Before Crossing

5000 1

The time before the first Crossing into Eastern Keldun, about which little is known.

  • -5000 BC

    -4500 BC

    The World War
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The World-Kings swore their Oaths, banding together to turn back the Dragons. Ataramakaris' jaw was sundered in the final battle, creating the Maw of Ataramakaris, also known as the Dragon's Tooth.

  • -4500 BC

    -4000 BC

    The Second World War
    Metaphysical / Paranormal event

    The World-Kings and the Dragons allied to put down an invasion from the demons of the Low Realms, forcing the demons to remain bound to their realms as a condition for their surrender.

After Crossing

1 7000

The current era, after the First Crossing of the Maw of Ataramakaris.

  • 1 AC

    The First Crossing

    Five brave explorers cross the Dragon's Tooth from Western Keldun, founding the Coldain Enclave of Wizards, Sorcerers, and Magicians. They make contact with the native peoples of eastern Keldun,, including the Dvergar of Mithril Gate and the settlers of what would become Tirdana in later years.

  • 1470 AC


    Rise of Salaban

    The kingdom of Salaban is founded in the continent of the same name, southwest of Keldun.

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  • 1470 AC

    1473 AC

    The Great Taming
    Military action

    The explorers who founded Salaban tame the land they find themselves in through blood, fire, and magic, causing great upheaval and driving the wildest things to the north third of the continent, creating the Wildlands.

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  • 1510 AC

    Fall of Kher Adain
    Disaster / Destruction

    The being known as Hrafinn came to Kher Adain, single-handedly destroying it. Those who fled the destruction went to the Mithril Gate, marking the first and only time in history that non-Dvergar were allowed deeper than the topmost level.

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  • 1519 AC

    Migration of the Dvergar

    The Dvergar, experiencing heavy overcrowding in their halls due to the fall of Kher Adain, send an expedition to Sava-Ruel, a previously unknown continent, to establish a presence there.

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  • 1559 AC

    The Arrival of the Hand
    Military action

    The warlord known as the Bloody Hand made himself known to the world, taking control of the city-state of Tirdana. This is the first recorded appearance of the Bloody Hand.

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  • 1560 AC

    1562 AC

    Hand's First Grasp
    Military action

    The first expansion of the Bloody Hand's domain, including the raising of Steyis and the conquest of Alarefti.

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  • 1563 AC

    1568 AC

    Breaking of the Hand
    Political event

    A strange figure known as the Dark Mother destroyed the Bloody Hand and its influence before receding into obscurity. The Hand himself disappeared for many years, rumored to be dead during this time.

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  • 1569 AC


    The Second Rise of the Hand

    The Hand re-emerges from hidden exile to reclaim his forces and stronghold, reasserting control and dominance over conquered lands.

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  • 1569 AC


    Expansion into Grakis
    Military action

    The Hand sets his sights on Grakis, taking the undefended eastern half of the kingdom, forcing the kingdom into war.

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  • 1569 AC


    Battle of Angrath
    Military action

    The Bloody Hand's forces take Angrath, the capital city of Grakis.   Battle of Angrath: Antebellum Battle of Angrath: War Battle of Angrath: Aftermath

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