World-Kings Organization in Rise of the Bloody Hand | World Anvil
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It is said that during the time before the First Crossing, the World-Kings ruled as mortal kings in the lands west of the Dragon's Tooth - with no mountains to divide their domain then. When the Dragons arrived, there was a great clash between the World-Kings and the Dragons, a long war that was said to have lasted 500 years. The defeat of the Dragons - Krysh smiting Ataramakaris to sunder his jaw - created the Dragon's Tooth, that divides Keldun even now. Having carved out the borders of their lands, the World-Kings then ascended to the High Realms, leaving behind their vassals - priests - to speak on their behalf, as well as the demigod Oaths that are their sworn covenants given life and form.   The World-Kings are worshiped primarily in Western Keldun, though it seems that the Bloody Hand also follows them, bringing their worship into places he conquers.   The priests of the World-Kings are called vassals, and places of worship called fiefs.  


  The World-King of War, Lord of Battle and Strife, is the god of war and the head of the pantheon. He is the most widely-worshipped deity in the Four Kingdoms of Western Keldun. In Ledaris, he is called The Steel Crucible. In Kukri, he is the Tester of Men. Even the wild Turinese worship Krysh, calling him the Taker of Sons. Krysh's vassals are found all over Western Keldun, even in Turin. They are known to heal or harm with a touch, incite berserker rage in their charges, and inspire fear and loyalty. The fiefs of Krysh are a close brotherhood, and should two vassals of Krysh meet in the field of battle, they will go to great lengths to avoid killing one another. Krysh is an advocate of battle in all its forms, and his vassals reflect this.  


  The World-King of Life, Lord of the Wild and Nature, is the god of nature and the elements. He is second to Krysh in power. Domen does not have vassals or fiefs; the druids of Kukri serve this purpose, as do the shamans of Turin. In Ledaris, Domen is called The Bringer of Light. In Kukri, he is also The Lifegiver. In Turin, he is worshiped as Nature's Fury, an angry storm-spirit.  


  The World-King of Magic, Lord of Things Arcane, is the god of magic. It is he who laid down the leylines and flows of magic that all magic-users tap into, whether it be the martial discipline of bladeweaving or the arcane spellcraft of Ledaren archmages. He is the weakest of the the World-Kings, with few worshipers. Antiras' vassals can amplify, dampen, and nullify magic of all sorts. Some particularly powerful vassals of Antiras are capable of the powerful earth-shattering magics that the Ledaren mages use. Ledaren call Antiras the Keeper of Secrets, while Asrikans know him as The Scholar. Kukrim refer to Antiras as the Hidden Eye. The barbarians of Turin do not honor Antiras as a true deity or even as a spirit.  


  The World-King of Death, Lord of the Dead, is the god of death and the afterlife. He is as powerful as Krysh, but with many fewer followers. Melavor judges the dead, sending those who lived honorable, just lives to the Long Hall where they may eternally rest in peace, and banishing those who did not to the Bloody Fields to fight forever in endless wars, dying horribly over and over again. Melavor's vassals are healers without peer; understanding the nature of death allows them to prevent it. The priests of Melavor are also known to bring painless, peaceful death to those whose lives are tortured and painful; it is in this that they are most misunderstood, and feared by the common man. However, no army takes to the field without a Melavite, for they also possess the ability to send lingering souls on to Melavor for their judgement. Note that this also includes the ancestor-spirits that the Turinese barbarians often worship. Ledaren scholars call Melavor the Keeper of Souls while in Kukri and Turin he is the Deathbringer. In Asrik, Melavor is also known as The Judge.  

The Oaths

  When the Dragons descened upon the land and threatened the realm of the World-Kings, they put aside their differences and came together, sealing their alliance with six Oaths, one for each pair of World-Kings, beings created to enact the will of the World-Kings, meant to be called and summoned by mortals at need.  

The Raven

  The Oath between Krysh and Melavor is the avatar of valiant battle. Usually taking the form of a black-armored warrior, face covered in a helm, the Raven is a warrior and commander unmatched on the battlefield. He grants respite to brave, valiant warriors and despises trickery. He is the patron of many an Asrikan warrior.  

The Scribe

  The Oath between Krysh and Antiras is a keeper of history and knowledge. The entirety of the history of mankind since the coming of the World-Kings is recorded in the Scribe’s book. This book has been seen on occasion in various places in the mortal realms. The Scribe is a faultless strategist in war, always seeming to know what the enemy is planning before the enemy himself knows.  

The Stormwulf

  The Oath between Krysh and Domen takes the form of a massive, white-furred wolf with golden yellow eyes. The Stormwulf is a relentless tracker and hunter, having never lost his prey. The Stormwulf is the defender of the wild and the usher of storms. It is said that the Stormwulf is hunting when blizzards strike. He supposedly devours the sun during the winter and regurgitates it during the spring.  

The Gray Man

  The Oath between Domen and Melavor usually reveals himself as a thin, gray-robed man of middling height with blotches of blighted skin. Disease and rot tends to follow the Gray Man’s presence. No mortal can cure a disease passed by his touch. He knows every plague and illness to affect the living in the Middle Realms.  

The Hermit

  The Oath between Domen and Antiras is the exact mirror of the Gray Man. Where illness and death follow in the wake of the Gray Man, life and bounty follow the Hermit. He knows every cure to every illness, and only the Hermit can cure a blight caused by the Gray Man’s presence. Usually clad in a brown robe and preferring solitude, the Hermit often performs favors for and grants blessings to those who can find him.  

The Lich

  The Oath between Melavor and Antiras appears as a shriveled, cadaverous man carrying a staff and a rod, much in the manner of Ledaren magicians. All occult knowledge belongs to the Lich. He can cast any spell any mortal has ever created or researched and, therefore, often encourages magic-users to experiment and create more. The Lich’s goals are otherwise unknowable, except to those who follow him or the two World-Kings he represents. He is the patron of guarded knowledge.

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