Alarefti Geographic Location in Rise of the Bloody Hand | World Anvil
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Alarefti lies on the east bank of a river that divides it from the rest of the Wastes much as the Maw of Ataramakaris divides Eastern Keldun from Western Keldun. Alarefti is kmown for its decadence and splendor; even though the Bloody Hand counts Alarefti among his first conquests, the city, unlike the rest of the lands under his rule, has flourished and thrived autonomously. One of its walls is gold; in the common tongue shared by the desert nomads, ‘alarefti’ means ‘golden wall.’ Alarefti is governed by a Caliph who goes by no other name or title. He has never been seen outside the walls of his grand palace and he himself never sees visitors; instead, Vizier Khalil, his advisor and second, attends to the public needs of the nation. Some say that the Caliph has died long ago, and that the Vizier slew him; the truth remains well-hidden in this viper’s nest. Alarefti’s riches are built on its exports of fine silks and exotic clothing.

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