Chi'hell'ya Fia'met Character in Riscaria | World Anvil
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Chi'hell'ya Fia'met

Princess of Sierran Chi'hell'ya Fia'met

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Chi'hell'ya is the last child born to King Ten'wan and Queen Hell'bore of Si'er'ran, the capitol city of the Realm of Fire. Her brother, Ig'nat'ius, was much older than her and has been preparing for his life on the throne since before she was even born. Her sister, Chi'no'bel (affectionately nicknamed Noble), is only two years older than herself, and is not truly bloodkin to her. Noble was stolen from the Realm of Man as an infant, to satiate the Changeling Pact subjected on their people from the other Elemental Realms. Due to centuries of war, long ago the Elemental Courts called for treaty, and to punish the Fire Realm's lust for blood, they insisted that every royal generational line must take a child from their own household, and swap them with one stolen from the human lands to be raised as their own.   Because it took King Ten'wan so long to establish a Changeling, ignoring the pact in favor of his first born, Ig'nat'ius, it was said that the crown of fire had been cursed, and Ten'wan and Hell'bore began to rapidly age beyond their years. As an attempt to remedy this, their second born was offered to the pact instead, and thus Noble was introduced to the realm, and raised as if she were an ifrit princess herself. This had no effects on the curse, which continued to wither the king and queen by the day. Due to the stress of losing her child, and fatigue from the weight of the curse, it was said that Hell'bore died soon after Chi'hell'ya's birth.   Left without a mother, both Chi'hell'ya and Noble were raised by Hell'bore's handmaiden, Tu'li, who tried her best to look after them, but mostly the girls were left to their own devices. King Ten'wan spent the majority of his days with his Council, physically unable to leave his throne room. His absence throughout the Elemental Realms was subject to endless gossip, and the Fire Realm's tough exterior was thought to be crumbling. Whispers of the King's illness spread through the land like wildfire, yet Ig'nat'ius took his place in public when he could, hoping to quell the public's worries.   Chi'hell'ya grew up a spoiled child, often revered for having formidable tantrums and her ferocity was outmatched by none. When she was a toddler, she accidentally burned Noble's arm, resulting in a gnarly scar, and as such she had her powers bound so she could never hurt her human sister again. Because of this, Chi'hell'ya stopped growing around the age of ten, and she is unable to cast flame in the way most ifits can.   To make up for this, Chi'hell'ya vowed to become a warrior so fearsome, that her name would forever echo throughout Si'er'ran history. Her combat training began the moment she could walk.   When she was seven, she was gifted a flaming battlecat, a tiger she fondly named Ef'fi, to which she is bound as a familiar. Though small in the beginning, Ef'fi grew to a hulking size, and Chi'hell'ya often rides the creature as a steed.   When she was 15, Ig'nat'ius slaughtered the king as he sit helplessly upon his throne, dubbing the gesture a mercy killing and absorbing the Fire Realm's ancient Primal Powers. With Noble being the only witness to the betrayal, she found a bounty on her head and fled to the Realm of Air, leaving Chi'hell'ya to believe their father had died of natural causes and that her sister had abandoned them.   Thus came the story of how the second Realm Wars began, as both Chi'hell'ya and Noble realized there was more to losing their father and mother than they were both told, and years of bloodshed followed.   Once more, after Ig'nat'ius was slain and the Elemental Realms ceased their fighting, treaties were signed, and the lands fell into harmony once more, with Noble as acting queen of the Fire Court, until Chi'hell'ya is ready to handle the pressures of ruling.   And that is where her story ends, that is until she is mysteriously summoned to Riscaria, and epic adventures await.


Chi'hell'ya had the typical education of any other royal child, and was tutored by a governess in subjects like history, astronomy, alchemy, and mathematics from a young age. She excels at Fire Realm history, and spent a great length of time memorizing the names and the achievements of the monarchs that came before her.   She also began formally training in combat from the time she could walk, spending most of her free time sparring with her instructor Ly'ulf, who is a seasoned war commander.


Princess. Future Warrior Queen.

Hot-headed, fearless and snarky, this princess will say the first thing that comes to mind, with no filter.

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Lawful Neutral
Skin Tone/Pigmentation

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Butt Stuff.
Chi'hell'ya Fia'Met

  • Deio: Eldritch Blasts the monstrosity dogs that's attacking Abbadon. 1st one hits for 11, 2nd one for 9. (total 20)
  • Abbadon: Moves and finds other cover.
  • Briam: Goes after Werg, rolls a 17 to hit, second one misses.
  • Edris: Casts Sacred Flame on the dog that's attacking Chi'hell'ya, dog makes saving throw so it takes half damage (4 damage)
  • Werg shots Briam for 2 pts of damage and she is now stunned.
  • Dog tries to bite and misses Chi'hell'ya barely.
  • Chi'hell'ya: Chops dog attacking her almost in half with 44 points of damage. Dog seems to have a glue like substance on the outside of it that makes them harder to kill.
  • Deio: Goes after Werg, with a 19 and 25 to hit. 10 damage for the first one, 6 to hit on the second one.
  • Abbadon: Summons his magical rapier and shoots at the dog, 18 to hit, 1 damage., and he drops back behind the box for cover.
  • Briam: She notices Karolis digging through something behind the party. She is stunned and cannot make a move.
  • Edris: Uses Sacred Flame on the Husk and does 26 points of damage.
  • *Karolis puts something in his pocket, Briam rolls to see if she notices, but she doesn't*  
  • Werg: Goes after Briam and hits her for 19pts of damage.
  • Dog: tries to attack but fails.
  • Karolis: "You need to be more discerning when hiring your men."
  • Chi'hell'ya: 1st hit lands, for 18 pts, misses the next.
  • Deio: Eldritch Blasts, 1 hits, 2nd fails. 12 damage.
  • Abbadon: Goes to hit the dog and misses. Uses bonus action to hex Werg, which actually kills him.
  • *Briam throws the warg in her bag of holding, she is upset because we killed the evil monsters, for some reason.*   *Chi'hell'ya's tiger, Ef'fi, begins to eat one of the dead dogs."   *Looting Werg: 3 shock batons.* Deio casts Detect Magic and his armor, gloves, and a headband glow, which we take to identify later. *He has a pouch full of 120 gold.*     *** SET UP FOR NEXT CAMPAIGN ***   Briam asks Karolis what he stole, and he pulls out 2 cylinders!!!! The one's that we were missing, one was looted from the Butcher that we didn't notice. Both are Trelx. Our collection of Elemental Lords is completed. Trelx is from this dimension.      


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