Abaddon Damodred Character in Riscaria | World Anvil
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Abaddon Damodred

Abaddon Damodred (a.k.a. Bright Eyes)

The first half of Abaddon's life was mired in training to become the most suitable vessel for the second coming of Baphomet. He was exposed to powerful dark arts and combat training as his mercenary band, The Raven's Claw, traveled the northern parts of Riscaria. He is always on the hunt to increase his power and influence over those around him.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Prior to joining the rest of the current adventurers, Abaddon was in a cult that worshiped the fiend Glasya of the 6th realm Malbolge. Their aim was to raise Abaddon as the vessel for Glasya, she was to slowly siphon her essence into him in hopes of increasing her influence over the world and bring it closer to devilish rule. He was raised by his mother, a powerful warlock, his father the blademaster for the group, and a high priestess which oversaw and tended to the cultists as the Matriarch. Throughout much of the lifespan of his clan they were pursued by the Order of Nyne, various paladins and a network of intelligence to seek out fiends and bring them to justice. As they caught word of increased activity of Aba's cult, the Order crashed upon them with the full force of their righteous smite. During the struggle Aba was able to slay a few of the Order's strongest members but could feel the weight of their impending demise. Using what he had learned from his mother, young Aba called out to the shades of Shadowfell. The war hungry line of Shadovar tieflings answered back to grant him power in the form of a pact, made with the life of Aba's mother. As her lasting wish was to see Aba live, she willingly accepted and her essence was transformed into a red scimitar, Aba's right eye burns with the redness of the now formed pact. With his mother gone, clan decimated, Aba manages to deal a decisive blow to the Order, only managing to save the Matriarch and hopefully saving his father as the Order reels from the blow. Aba was 20 at that time, since the cult allowed him to be empowered with Glasya's essence he has grown weak since their destruction but continues to grow in strength as a sellsword for the mercenary group, the Murder of Crows. For 7 years he travels with the bad, pillaging and looking for his father as he can while continuing to be pursued by the Order, they keep track of Aba as they continue to increase their strength and numbers as well.  Aba parts ways with the band as his searches lead him to pursue an artifact of power, where he crosses paths with several other strong travelers.

Gender Identity



Abaddon likes to fuck.


Warlocky stuff from his mom, fight stuff and tactics from his dad. Spent a lot of time learning and reading from the villages he's been able to stay at or destroy. Blends well, likes to use subterfuge, a trait of his bloodline Glasya.


Mercenary and sellsword.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Saved his dad, hopefully. Became a great fighter and powerful warlock.

Failures & Embarrassments

Many drunk stories, many scars from training and the weight of the destruction of his clan.

Mental Trauma

Hadda watch his mom die as he fought along side her :(

Intellectual Characteristics

Likes to read, learns a lot. Quick witted most of the time but has no qualms with observing for the perfect moment to strike. Likes to listen to all sides of the story and form his own judgement.

Morality & Philosophy

Knowledge is the path to power and domination. Killing is not beneath me. Every day is a good day to die.


Don't fuck with my tail.

Personality Characteristics


Revenge, knowledge, power

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Sometimes awkward in social situations when he is not in control. Can be arrogant about his knowledge of the arcane and eldritch. Can be goaded easily into a fight. Smooth talker tho.

Likes & Dislikes

Likes to fight for what he wants, dislikes indecisive or hesitant decision makers.

Virtues & Personality perks

Will fight for others, but often at the potential for personal gain. Will use subterfuge to learn something and keep it from others for personal gain.

Vices & Personality flaws

-Drinks -Parties -Tries to do whatever he feels like doing, even if he doesn't completely know himself. -likes animals -succumbs easily to lust and greed

Personality Quirks

Collects various body parts for his machinations.


He showers and baths whenever he can, a smelly soldier can be smelled.

A young Tiefling exploring the world as a mercenary on a conquest for power.

View Character Profile
Chaotic Neutral
Gold (L) | Red (R)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5' 7"
Quotes & Catchphrases
"As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live"
Known Languages
common, infernal, orcish, abyssal

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