Daeva Character in Rine | World Anvil
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The Crafter

The Daeva is the Titan of Jian. It is a six-armed titan that looks to be made of clay and marble, intricately carved designs adorning its body. It has a flowing, floating sash haloed behind its head and beautiful robes around its waist. The Daeva is unique, in that it is the only titan to possess thumbs. The fact that it has 6 of them is a little excessive. It lives in the central valley of Jian and spends the majority of its time caring for the land and foliage in such excess and detail that it is noted to be one of the most beautiful places in the world. Visitors are often brought to tears from the sheer beauty and care that emanates from the valley under its touch. To be told you have "The Crafter's touch" is a honoring compliment that references it.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Like all Titans, the Daeva is massive in height. It sports a bipedal body with 6 arms and two legs and a large round belly.

Special abilities

Calming presence. The Daeva is noted to be the gentlest of the titans.
Divine Classification
Current Location

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