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Mining District

Arguably part of the same city as the entirety of The Understate of Palme, the mining district is removed enough from the rest of the Understate that it is typically referred to as its own town (although describing any part of the Understate with traditional civilization categorization is difficult). The population is almost entirely miners and their families. Aspiring metalworkers may move to the town to work with the material. More skilled metalworkers prefer to live in the more luxurious portions of the Understate.


The mining district's only distinction from the general population of the Understate in terms of occupation. The main population is obviously miners, with roughly 60% of the population working in the mines. Another 30% of the population are the families of the miners. They fill other roles for the town, some working as metalworkers and crafters, although blood copper products can turn such a profit that those working with the material usually leave the mining town in favor of a better location.


The mining district has no government distinct from the Understate. Crime is less controlled in the town, however, and it is likely that a local government for law enforcement will soon be established.


Like the rest of the Understate, the mining district is entirely underground. To get above ground from the mining district requires going through the rest of Palme. The mining district is a natural cavern, making an uneven edge of the town, and leading to occasional pillars throughout the town. The technically distinct description of the town comes from the narrow tunnel leading between the mining district and the rest of Palme. The tunnel is roughly three quarters of a mile, making it a short walk or ride away. This does mean that transporting products into or out of the mining district is slightly more bothersome as they have to travel through the narrow tunnel. The Understate is a rapidly evolving civilization, and a better transit between the mining district and the proper city is a high priority.
Underground / Vault
Location under

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