Ryan Abram Character in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Ryan Abram

Ryan is a human cartographer focused on studying and documenting the Wetlands working as a member of the Wetlands Traveller Alliance Faction.


As a human growing up in Aserama Abram saw a lot of discrimination against him and his family and so with the few job oppurtunities they'd get, he decided to become an expert in cartography. He received a few job offers here and there and although it was a slow and unrewarding process, Ryan slowly gained experience travelling and charting the surrounding lands and with years chose the Wetlands as his focus. With his experience, the Wetlands Traveller Alliance faction contacted the human man and asked him to join them. He accepted the offer and became the faction's main cartographer.

Ryan Abram was played by Benjamin.


Current Location
Year of Birth
798 AIC 29 Years old


Ryan Abram during a fight with a giant toad

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Cover image: by yo shimizu


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