Iago Valyra Character in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Iago Valyra

Iago is a tiefling resident of Brequil Manor who's taken on the role of right-hand man of Xarrinon and formerly of Mr Brequil. He also loves his work as a torturer.


Little is known about the past of the tiefling but at some point in his youth Iago joined Brequil Manor - the place where misfits would go. Due to his interesting passion for torturing and decoding the humanoid mind, he fit right in, and due to his apparent expertise in getting information out of people, Mr Brequil, the lord of the manor allowed the young tiefling to set up his workplace in the dungeon of the manor. He lived and loyally served the lord for many years until the old drow died and in his place a demon by the name of Xarrinon took his old master's place. Although acting cold and unresponsive to the new lord at first, the tiefling soon grew the like the presence of the lord. Probably due to the slight wickedness the two shared and would occasionally chat about.

Brequil Manor Massacre

When finding out about the massacre that took place in the manor, Iago was one of the individuals who went and took revenge on the crusaders for what they'd done to the people of Brequil Manor.

Iago was played by MagicBeans.


Year of Birth
786 AIC 41 Years old


Iago in his chambers

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Cover image: by yo shimizu


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