Alcan Archiner Character in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Alcan Archiner

Alcan is a High Elf alchemist and shop-owner living in Aserama.


The elf was born to a very scholarly and sophisticated family and so just like them, he grew up as a very intelligent individual although instead of pursuing books he focused on his desire for alchemy. Without much support, Alcan, living on the bare minimum that was necessary for surviving, lived and slowly earned enough money to open up a shop with a Gray Kenku to be able to split the rent.  

Marshward March

Some time into owning his shop Alcan was running dry on money and in need of more to keep his business alive accepted a mission to escort a peace package from Aserama to a tribe of lizardfolk and bullywug in the Wetlands. The mission was successful and at some point during it, the elf received a phoenix feather with which he runs experiments.

Alcan was played by Giastorm.


Current Status
Experimenting with his recently acquired phoenix feather
Current Location
Year of Birth
797 AIC 30 Years old


Alcan Archiner investigating his phoenix feather

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Cover image: by yo shimizu


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