Aerin Character in Rexweld | World Anvil
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Aerin is a drow vampire necromancer journeyman who spends his time travelling and exploring the vast world.


Aerin was once a drow who'd spend much time studying the arcane and too much time studying the darker parts of magic. These dark studies attracted the attention of dark beings including a vampire lord who transformed the scholarly drow into a vampire in hopes of gaining a valuable tool. Aerin played along but fled at the first opportunity to do so. This gave to a life of escape, continually being chased by vampires of the same order. Eventually, Aerin decided to flee upwards and chose to go to the overworld where he could finally rest, without having to fear for a sudden vampire attack. Although Aerin had escaped the vampires of the underworld, he now had new foes in the form of vampire hunters. Constantly being chased and attacked wherever he went he decided to put his learnings of the dark arts to use as he began practizing necromancy on the same people who were so determined on finding him.

Brequil Manor

On a rather close instance of being cornered by some vampire hunters, Aerin was able to escape with the help of a few similar dark outcasts who redirected the necromancer to a safehaven for people like him - Brequil Manor. He spent a few years at the Manor finally being able to somewhat peacefully relax and study as he wished. When the Brequil Manor massacre took place Aerin was a lead player in taking revenge on the crusaders who had killed the people of the manor. After doing so though Aerin did not return to the manor but instead chose to continue his travels alone.


Current Status
Wandering around Henmire.



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Cover image: by yo shimizu


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