Scylfing Lands Geographic Location in Revelyá | World Anvil
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Scylfing Lands

The Scylfing Lands were known as "The Barbarian's Highlands" - it was a dangerous place, full of raiding Scylfing clans that sook power in obliterating outsiders and the Empire's settlements. It was the only stretch of land this far south in the empire which the Kingsmen have not been able to fully occupy and was therefore a dangerous territory for folk travelling northwards to get to the other big cities along The High Road that connected the northern and southern regions of the Empire.   Notable locations within the Scylfing lands were the forest of Woodhaven and the main Scylfing settlement called Haffr's Hall that served as a gathering point for all wandering Scylfing clans with its great mead hall and its surrounding village.   The shores to the west of the land were often plagued by several Scylfing clans seeking their glory and plunder on the waves and this proved difficult for trade routes to be established along these waters.
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