Daniel Grane Character in Return to Spelljammer | World Anvil
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Daniel Grane

A long time confidant and mentor of King Bruin, Grane was instrumental in fighting against T'Laan's corrupt rule and restoring House Shambrath. Unfortunately, when Grane was captured by T'Laan, he was turned into a vampire. Grane was ultimately restored to life with the help of the Knights of the Reluctant Circle, supposedly at the hands of Hades himself. Grane was also part of the group that helped the Imperial Elven Navy discover the threat of the Witchlight Marauder in Moragspace, and returned only a couple of months ago from that mission. King Bruin put his trusted, well-traveled friend in charge of Port Shurius, both because he trusted his long-time friend, and to get him away from the court intrigue that he never enjoyed, and has only grown worse since many nobles unfairly blame him for succumbing to T'Laan.

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