Nyersúle - Green Sail Species in Requiem | World Anvil

Nyersúle - Green Sail

With the death of Khanna, forces of nature unraveled and coalesced in unexpected ways, and the Green Sails are a testament to that. Called Nyersúle by the Wood Elves that domesticated them, these beasts appear to be gargantuan flying squirrels. This is what they are, actually. Once tiny rodents, Khanna's essence bound itself to every animal in the Realm and especially affected the flying squirrels that would become Nyersúle. There are still plenty of normal flying squirrels in the forests. One major difference in capabilities between the two is that while the average flying squirrel can only glide, Nyersúle are capable of taking high into the air and flying like a bird, thanks to their divine gift.

Basic Information

Genetics and Reproduction

The Nyersúle reproduces sexually. Their mating season is in the late summer, and they will spend a few hours flying playfully with their partner before nesting in the tallest, strongest tree they can find. Some end up becoming life partners, but the Nyersúle seem to be as unpredictable when it comes to relationships as humans.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A diet of only the largest Khanna's Grace and other various nuts keeps the Green Sail happy and full. You don't want to deal with a hungry Nyersúle.

Additional Information


The domestication process is quite simple for the wood elves, since it seems they have an innate bond with the creatures. Their role in Elven society ranges from military to pets.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The Nyersúle are most commonly used by the wood elves, for transportation of people and goods, but certain Green Sails are vetted to become one of the mounts used by the armies of Afallona and Nuilthïn. They are given helmets and joint armor, but the majority of their body is kept unarmored to promote mobility and stay from hindering their flying and gliding performance.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Nyersúle are almost exclusively found in Galaenathyr, specifically the Deadsay Woods. They are rarely seen grazing on the borders of Soleil.
A massive green and red flying squirrel equipped with a saddle, saddlebags, and a grey metal helmet with a tree shaped at the apex of the helmet. He is just chillin on a tree tbh.
by ninjaturtwig
The flying squirrels of Galaenathyr.
Average Height
10-11' tall
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
One of the distinguishing features of the Green Sail lies in its coat's coloring. The majority of its body is varying shades and vibrancy of green. The underside of the Nyersúle is often varying shades of Crimson.
Geographic Distribution