Maelstrom Gem Material in Requiem | World Anvil

Maelstrom Gem

Numia kept trapped in numia stones over the last millennium that has grown increasingly volatile, first harnessed by the dark elves in use of their technology.  


  The first thing the Syl’sued attempted, as most civilizations who discover a great power do, was to turn it into weaponry. There were plenty of complications along the way, but despite the hitches, maelstrom weaponry was fully realized. The first iterations, otherwise known as the state they are in in the current day, are very volatile and hard to maintain. Using numia that hasn’t renewed itself for centuries, that bypassed the Numian Lock, is unpredictable at best, explosive at worst. When wielded effectively though, it is damn effective.   Maelstrom is exceedingly rare, as most numia stones ceased function due to the Numian Lock, leaks from a millennia of exposure to the elements, or they were simply used up in the past. For unknown reasons, they are more commonly found in the Realm of Silt, perhaps in connection to the purple sands. They are in very high demand and highly regulated.  

Technology Using Maelstrom Stones

  Guns -Numia-propelled shrapnel launcher -Maelstrom flintlock Trains Blimps

History & Usage


The only way to truly harness the power of maelstrom is to draw it out in small amounts through various means, usually depending on the technology in which it resides. Drawing out too much can result in the stone acting as a balloon popping. The magic either wheezes out in a high pitched squeal, or bursts in a loud explosion.



These gems are stored with special care as to prevent damage that can cause leaks, explosions, or general expiration of the product.

Law & Regulation

Maelstrom gems are three things: highly valuable, highly dangerous, and highly regulated.
Very rare