Ata Geographic Location in Requiem | World Anvil


Ata is the larger of the two moons orbiting Requiem, named after the goddess of darkness . Interestingly, it is only visible during certain celestial events, usually pertaining to divine activity, but the requirements for its visibility are disputed and have not been confirmed. Scholars, theologists, and astronomers have held heated discussions pertaining to the moon over the years, with no one theory accepted commonplace over another. To make things even more unclear, the moon has not been visible for over 1,000 years.   The instances of Ata's appearance were supposedly well documented prior to The Shattering, at least according to the last surviving member of the staff of The King's Institute of Astronomy, Rosani Delambre. At some point during the Shattering, all physical records of the history of Ata seemingly ceased existence and many astronomers were found dead, having clawed their own eyes out.    In current times, the people of Requiem have only ever known one moon and the very existence of Ata is disputed, with some governments not officially recognizing it and others outright denying the satellite's extant status. Looking at the moon's supposed position in the night sky, one would see a void of stars, strengthening the fact that it is in fact there, blocking the light of the stars behind it. Any attempt to view this void through a telescope or other magnifying lens results in the cracking of the lens, magically reinforced or not.    Few remain who have laid eyes on Ata, and fewer still who remember. Will the mysterious moon ever return, and what consequences would that bring? It is almost certainly associated with the divines, who are all but gone from the world. Finally, what part does the moon's namesake play in all of this? The Mother of Darkness is unknowable to an even greater degree.
Planetoid / Moon