Art During the Age of Remembrance in Requiem | World Anvil

Art During the Age of Remembrance

The Age of Remembrance brought with it many trials, among them, while seemingly trifling, was the trends of what happened to art. These trends can be divided into three collections: creation, destruction, and censorship.


It might seem odd to start with the topic of destruction, being that birth is usually the fist step of a life, but during the Age of Remembrance, it can be argued that more art was destroyed than created. The most targeted often involved


While lacking the impact of a burning library, the most prevalent trend involving art during Remembrance was the heavy censorship of anything that could be seen as art adjacent. The powers scrapped together from the shredded remnants of what came before tended to be heavily biased, especially when it involved the gods that brought destruction to everything they knew.


New art was not exactly rare, but it was definitely not plentiful. Recovering from the extremes of the Godwar left little time to splatter the canvas, and everyone was the enemy.