Church of The Morningstar Organization in Renn | World Anvil
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Church of The Morningstar

The principal religion of the Kel'Daesian Empire. Rooted in unwavering and undying loyalty to the God-Emperor. Members of this religious organization are composed mainly of the empire's citizens and those who believe in the power that the Imperial Royal Family holds.   Worship of the royal lineage continues on to this day, further cementing the legitimacy of their seemingly god-like authority.

Divine Origins

Established by Emperor Taldamir II as a means of unifying the then splintered states of the Empire during its early age. As admiration of the Emperor and his immense magical capabilities started to become increasingly fanatical, the Emperor saw fit to take advantage of this opportunity to unite his people under one creed: "Strength through power. Benevolence by mercy."

Tenets of Faith

"Strength through power. Benevolence by mercy."
Religious, Organised Religion

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