Silla System Geographic Location in Renegade Universe | World Anvil
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Silla System

The Silla System is a single yellow star star system.


The Silla system consists of the following
  • Silla: yellow main sequence star, main gravitational governor
  • Tysha: A planet that appears to have been the victim of a cataclysmic impact event or collision with another planetoid.
  • The Laconic Halo: An asteroid belt formed from the surface of Tysha and the remnants of whatever impacted it.
  • Akka: Earth-like planet which exists on the verge of the stars 'goldilocks zone' 

Fauna & Flora

The Akkan Groundgrain is local to the Akka's Eastern Continent ( Aarnivalkea) where it grows in vast fields. It's growth suggests previous inhabitation of Akka as the Groundgrain is alarmingly sturdy, suggesting a level of genetic tampering. It is also the bedrock of Aarrnivalkea's ecology, providing food for the Gazella-analogues the velocithere, which in turn are hunted by the pack-hunting dinorachnia, wolf-sized creatures with traits of both ants and spiders.   The largest land animal on Akkan is the Northern Lanarhomale, also nicknamed 'scaly mammoth.' These mammal-like reptile analogues are covered with thick coarse fur and have thick layers of fat to allow them to survive the frigid Akkan winters. They travel in herds up to thirty beasts strongs. Their only predators are the incoming humans and the massive acanthoderms, massive scorpion-like beasts which burrow into the tundra to cope with the cold.   The oceans are primarily occupied by piscine anagloues which are close enough to Earth fish to be fit for human consumption. The Lesser Redback, Akkan Trout, and Cyclopic Pike are staples of Akkan coastal cuisine.


At some point approximately 2.9 million years ago, an unknown object of great mass, velocity, or both impacted the surface of Tysha. The force was powerful enough to shatter the planet roughly in half, exposing its molten core. This core proceeded to slowly cool and solidify. The debris ejected by the collision would eventually form what is now known as The Laconic Halo.   Theories abound regarding the nature of the impactor. Most of the scientific community agrees on either a super-asteroid or perhaps a rogue moon. Fringe theorists postulate that the planet was the victim of a particularly devastating round of planetary bombardment, however, there is no solid evidence of a spacefaring race old enough to be the perpetrator.   Humanity entered the system in the form of automated probes in 2191. Manned expeditions would arrive in the system a year later, which focused on geological surveillance and the archaeology of Tysha. When considerable mineral wealth was uncovered in Tysha's crust, mining stations were set up in orbit. However, this was plagued with issues; the planets crippled nature generated numerous gravitational anomalies and several mining stations were destroyed during construction due to gravimetric shear. As a result, despite considerable mineral wealth, only two mining stations Sakharov's Rest and Ruby Grave are currently in orbit.   Akka, existing on the verge of the habitable zone, was wracked with harsh winters. Habitations are sparse and scattered, with a various Agricorps occupying the surface, and smaller family-run farms taking up what's left. Akka is home of the famous Akkan Wheat cereal group, the first successful attempt to cross-pollinate Earth-based plants with an alien plant. Curious for a Northern Trail system, most of its foodstuffs remain in-system, supporting the mining colonies over Tysha.       The Laconic Halo has proved to be a more stable mining area, with various small stations and refueling posts dotting the belt.
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