Novus System Geographic Location in Renegade Universe | World Anvil
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Novus System

The Novus System is a four-planet star system.


The Novus System consists of the following:
  • Novus: Orange main-sequence star
  • Rudianos: A dustbowl world with no atmosphere covered in copper oxide deserts.
  • Nodens: Initially believed to be an ocean world, its oceans were discovered to be concentrated acid.
  • Terra Novus: A 'garden world' similar mass, atmospheric composition and surface temperature to Earth and one of the most populous worlds in the Commonwealth. A massive shipyard hangs in orbit.
  • Mantus: A core-less world with a dense nickel-tin crust. Its lack of magnetic field hampers colonization efforts, as does it sub-zero temperature. 
Alternative Name(s)
Sol Deux
Star System
Location under
Owning Organization

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