Archimedes System Geographic Location in Renegade Universe | World Anvil
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Archimedes System

The Archimedes System is a single planet star system.


The Archimedes system consists of the following:
  • Archimedes: Yellow main sequence star
  • Pedío: a mars sized planet with limited water but nutritious soil and hardy native flora.


One of the smallest systems on the Northern Trail, the Archimedes system was one of the few worlds since the Diomedes system colonised by a megacorp. Trident Colonisation Services were awarded the contract to colonise the sole planet of Pedio in 2202. The Earth-like world proved to be a goldmine, both for TCS and for the Commonwealth.    A fast-breeding form of fungus, known as Archimedian Redcaps, was discovered planetside. Capable of growing under a number of conditions, the mushrooms quickly became the most common export.    In 2232 in the depths of the First Interstellar War, the Commonwealth Naval units protecting the system were finally routed, leading to the commencement of the na'Hagi Pedioan Campaign, and the TCMCs counter-offensive of Operation Robust Shield. After a grueling nine-month campaign, the Na'Hagi retreated, intending to inflict the same fate upon Pedio as had been carried out on Gaia years earlier; Charred Fields. Only the timely intervention of the Commonwealth Navy saved Pedio from becoming a radioactive dustbowl.
Star System
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