Antaeus System Geographic Location in Renegade Universe | World Anvil
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Antaeus System

The Antaus system is a star system containing two super-earths; Poseidon and Gaia. It is regarded as the first system in the Northern Trail.


The Antaeus System consists of the following; 
  • Antaeus: A large red star. 
  • Poseidon: A super-earth covered in roughly 86% water, with fishing fleet plying the ocean and kelp farms occupying the shores. The planetary capital, Atlantis, is partially built onto the show and partially into the seabed. 
  • Gaia: Roughly 1.5 times the size of earth, Gaia is regarded as a 'goldilocks' world, offering a breathable atmosphere, large amounts of liquid water and a potent magnetic field to protect it from Antaeus' rays. That was until the Na'Hagi invaded in 2227 and the planet became a devastated warzone. 
  • Tinge: A natural moon roughly the size of Pluto that orbits Gaia.  


When Antaeus was discovered by the Cross expedition, one message was transmitted; 'Jackpot.'    Both of its planets proved habitable, with Gaia being the first to receive colonists owing to its more solid nature. Over the course of several years, numerous towns and cities sprang up, including Taskerton, Ralthenstad, and Aquagrad. The planet saw a massive influx of colonists, thanks to being one of the first 'no mask' worlds that humanity discovered. Within thirty years of its discovery, it was one of the most populous and fastest-growing planets in the Commonwealth.    It all came crashing down in 2227. With the First Interstellar War in full swing, the Northern Trail and its foodstuff-producing worlds were prime targets for the Na'Hagi war effort. A valiant effort by the Commonwealth Navy managed to deter the Na'Hagi Holy fleet from getting close. However, the Navy was stretched thin and eventually the line collapsed.  The Holy Na'Hagi navy fell on Gaia.    It seems, at least initially, the Na'Hagi's intention was to occupy the world and claim the massive amount of food produced for themselves. However, as the Terran Commonwealth Marine Corps put up stiff resistance, waging a multi-front war against a numerically superior foe. Eventually, with the possibility of being cut off themselves, the Na''Hagi sought to move their timeline along.    The Na'Hagi Navy pulled their marines back and unleashed an indiscriminate orbital bombardment. They did not care about killing the marines; they wanted to destroy the ecosystem. Gaia's wealth lay in its rich soil and clean atmosphere and the Na'Hagi sought to destroy that wealth. In less than twenty-four hours, the breadbasket of the Commonwealth was reduced to a planet-sized dustbowl trapped in a punishing winter.
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