Impesarie Profession in Renata | World Anvil
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"As the leader of this troupe, I promise to create a show worthy of Their Majesties!"



An impresarie must have good people skills, PR skills, and writing skills, as well as the skills of a director. Some impresarie focus on the advertising and PR part of the job, while a director may direct the actors, and a writer (or team of writers) write the plays

Payment & Reimbursement

Impresarie are paid like their troupe, but their payment is received in advance before the troupe arrives in a town. So in some respects, the troupe is paid twice--once for the impresarie to promote the troupe and stage the show, and once for the actors, for a job well done.

Other Benefits

A good impresarie can even turn the worst of troupes around, and make them stars overnight.



An impresarie is the heartbeat of a theater troupe--they at the very least promote the troupe, but many also write and direct the plays their troupes put on.


Dangers & Hazards

While the impresarie may not be on the stage, they are still subject to the same risks as actors, as well as humiliation in the public eye if the play doesn't go over well.
Alternative Names
Zario, Zaria
As any good troupe needs a leader, an impresarie will always be able to find work
If a troupe is caught putting on a play they shouldn't, the blame falls on the impresarie--depending on the nature and severity of the offense, they may be warned, fined, or in the most extreme cases, sentenced to long prison terms
Famous in the Field
Other Associated professions

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