Rot Plague Condition in Renata | World Anvil
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Rot Plague

Kaurus himself must have created this curse as it embodies entropy and destruction on a cellular level, yet this is something far more powerful than even his strongest Fulcrum. it's quite an interesting case study in the powers of Nature versus that of the Devine, even the Unmaker himself lacks the power and brilliance to mastermind such a horribly destructive and resilient disease.
— Said by Caro di Silva appealing to The Council of Ten to gain more funding for The Apothecarii

Transmission & Vectors

The parasite lives in temperate water where the biodiversity allows it to survive, when drank by animals or insects they become carriers and can infect others through urine, fecal matter or by themselves being ingested.


In the parasite grows conditions often found in shanty towns along the coast where the temperature is warm and humid, in puddles of salt water with high biodiversity found in organic waste and fecal matter the parasite can start its life-cycle.


  • Stage one, rashes and itching near eyes and mouth, this stage can last between 1-4 days.
  • Stage two, numbing of limbs and excessive sweating, may include fever. 3-6 days, incubation period.
  • Stage three, toes and fingers begin shedding skin and numbing, eventually results in Frost-bite like symptoms. 10-16 hours.
  • Stage four, extreme rapid cell death on limbs resulting in black rotting skin and sometimes limbs may rot off entirely. 2-4 hours.
  • Stage five, Full immuno-collapse, shock may cause paralysis, liquidification of soft tissue. Death within 4-8 hours.


If caught early the infected limb can be amputated before parasite spreads and multiplies. If spread occurs no known treatment exists.


If infected and not treated within 24 hours the condition is fatal after 5-8 days.


Humans are the most suspectable to the condition, in areas with a high human population and extremely low hygiene can see small outbreaks of Rot Plague, however the spread is limited after the first infections as the source is drained, if the infected die quickly the multiplication of the parasite is slowed and it will starve itself of organic material and eventually die out.

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