Nataki Senchineru Building / Landmark in Renata | World Anvil
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Nataki Senchineru

Children of Tempest don't play well with others, it's probably for the best that they isolated themselves on that mountain, I reckon The Forked Farm is rather pleased with having such a constant source of torrential downpour from their mountain dwelling neighbor. I've heard some rumors water isn't the only byproduct that the Farm takes advantage of, but the less said about that the better...
— Drunk patron of The Silver Stallion


Built in 1276 by Illian the Tempest and his Guardian core as a secluded monastery atop Lakir Nataki, no one really knows why the infamous god decided to seclude himself in such a remote location alongside his Kin, but it is rumored he had a hand in The Silver Lotus War as history records a handful of Goliath fighting alongside The Silver Lotus samurai.
Alternative Names
Arashi no ishi, Illian's refuge

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