Dwarf Species in Renata | World Anvil
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It is said that all dwarfs in Renata were created when Astarte the Forgemother was furious with Argus one day. In a bout of anger and passion she smashed several lumps of coal together and it it once on the forge. From the sparks the dwarfs came into being and scattered around her forge. There they would live learning in secret before venturing forth on their own into the world.

Basic Information


Dwarfs are short and stocky in their build.

Biological Traits

Dwarfs are short and stocky. Both the men and women are hairy, although female dwarfs do not have beards and as much hair on the entire body as the males. Although they have a similar appearance to humans, they are more rounded in their facial and body features. It is also common knowledge that dwarfs are shorter and slower than humans. Unlike human dwarfs are very resilient, and have the ability to see in the dark.

Genetics and Reproduction

Dwarfs are sexually dimorphic and reproduce at an alarming rate.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarfs are not seen as an adult in their society before they reach 50 years.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A dwarf needs to consume large amounts of meats and alcohol in order to be a proper dwarf. It is not uncommon for them to eat vegetables, but it must be mixed in with meat.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Due to living in mountain halls for most of their life, they have adapted well to seeing in the dark.

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

Both male and females believe that any dwarf that can drink them under the table is a sign of a "beautiful" dwarf. Tattoos are seen as high status symbols. A dwarf will receive a tattoo if they achieve a great accolade. Designs are intricate with both writing and styles that symbolizes their achievement.

Gender Ideals

Male dwarfs believe that a woman should be as strong as an ox, as stocky as a bull and are able to drink a barrels worth of alcohol in less than five minutes. The perfect dwarf woman has hair that either resembles the glow of the fire (orange or red with yellow highlights) or as black as the anvil or coal (black with highlights of dark blue or purple).   Female dwarfs care about two things in a male dwarfs Their ability to procreate and their mastery of insults.

Courtship Ideals

Courtship is quite simple. If either a male or a female dwarf wishes to court another, they will have to tell the other party that they are interested, and show a parchment containing their wealth. Tattoos are also displayed in great fashion. If the precipitant agrees then they are to be wedded.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

It is quite common to see dwarfs drinking any chance they get. If they are not drinking, then they are working. If they are not working, then they are copulating. If they are not copulating, then they are fighting. If they are not fighting, then they are dead.

Common Taboos

Any dwarf whether it be a male or a female will never shave the hair on their body. It it also seen as a great insult to shave a dwarf, thus it has become a common custom for their enemies to do so.
Scientific Name
Brevi ira hominis
Conservation Status
No conservation is needed, they breed like rabbits who live in the dark debts of the mountains.
Average Height
4-5 ft. tall
Average Weight
150 .lbs

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