Dead Sea Collective Organization in Renata | World Anvil
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Dead Sea Collective

"See that village there, we're going to liberate the hell out of it"
— Erik the Fur-faced


No real structure. Various warlords compete for influence over ship captains and coastal communities, and fight for control of great Arks. Khalesar The Waterwalker is generally recognized as the strongest warlord and commands great respect and inspires much fear.

Public Agenda

To free the peoples of the world from Ordering Tyranny, and have a lot of fun while doing it.


Arks,   Ships,   Weapons,   Captured people (thralls)


Founded in 1128 when Khalesar the Waterwalker grew enraged at the Gods' sabotage of the Apex "Free city experiment" he vowed he would show the Gods what real freedom was. Their greatest hour came at the battle of Driftwood which largely achieved their ends of defeating the Ordering. Since then the Collective has been largely rudderless, mounting the occasional mass raid on the Ordering, or raiding the other countries. Warlords rise and fall. Should the Collective ever find unity of purpose they would be a force to be reckoned with.

Demography and Population

The lands controlled by the Collective are sparsely populated for obvious reasons.


The Ashen Islands in the north are their base of operations.


Hundreds of ships of varying sizes, from massive arks to small boats. Thousands of vicious raiders and cutthroats.

Foreign Relations

Everyone hates them.

the strong do what they will, the weak suffer what they must

Founding Date
Military, Other
Alternative Names
The Ravagers, The Raiders, The Pirates, The Rebels
Raider, Collectivist
Legislative Body
None, there are no laws in the collective
Judicial Body
Whatever warlord or captain you find yourself serving under.
Controlled Territories
Organization Vehicles

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