Human Species in Remaining World | World Anvil
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Basic Information



Biological Traits

Life expectancy: 40-70 years

Genetics and Reproduction


Growth Rate & Stages


Ecology and Habitats

Though they once made use of almost any land available to them, after the Deepening, they have been restricted to certain islands with fresh water available in the form of reliable rain, lakes, rivers, or aquifers. Their ability/tendency to manipulate their environment to their advantage and use tools has enabled them to once again dominate such islands.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Varies greatly.

Biological Cycle

Tend to migrate in dry seasons if applicable to area.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Wherever possible.

Average Intelligence

Too clever by half, too stupid to die.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

The advanced focus required of telenists sometimes leads to heightened spatial awareness.
45 years
Average Height
5'8 male, 5'5 female (adult)
Average Weight
140 lbs male 110 lbs female (adult)

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