The King’s Claw Organization in Remaining Realm (Old) | World Anvil
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The King’s Claw

The King's Claw are a verison of the Pieces of Eight from Reality One Million One.  


The King's Claw were formed by King Skotti of Reality One Million One to protect Seaton, the newly appointed capital city of Keoland, from the Sea Princes.   The team were hand-picked by Skotti based on their reputations. Yeros was a talented Artificer, that built weapons and ships for the King. The King trusted him to keep the ship maintained.   Mordecai and Zulynn were a married couple of skilled fighters. Mordecai was chosen for his reputation as a navy veteran.   Klearic was a Warlock who had slaughtered a whole ship of Sea Princes and lived to tell, and Kleth was a Sorcerer who followed the will of Valkur, God of the Seas.  


Yeros Tarkelby

Yeros Tarkelby One Million One was a talented artificer who was recruited by King Skotti for his vast talent.   He also begrudgingly brought Zangrim, his talentless bard brother.  

Klearic Faymal

High-Ef Celestial Warlock

High-elf college dropout, Klearic Faymal One Million One studied magic until he didn't feel like it. Then he left to discover himself taking his dead brother's lance, without knowing his brother would become his patron. Klearic acts as a Hexblade Warlock because of his arcana knowledge however he's actually a Celestial Warlock.   The King asked him to join believing he might want revenge on the Sea Princes for killing his brother.  

Mordecai Wavebreaker

Human Open Sea Paladin

Mordecai Wavebreaker One Million One was a retired sea captain, and Oath of the Open Sea Paladin. He had a special weapon, the Glaive of Waves, which could send out massive waves at his enemies.   King Skotti recruited him for his expertise in sailing and naval battles.  

Zulynn Heartwind

Elf Rune Knight

Mordecai's wife, Zulynn, mostly came along to keep him company. Zulynn was a deadly combatant. She could hit someone from 500 feet away with her sling. She collected rocks everywhere, and then she would sit down and chisel runes into them. She had an affair with Yeros' brother Zangrim.  

Kleth Rona

Blue Dragonborn Storm Sorcerer

Kleth Rona One Million One was a blue dragonborn storm sorcerer. He worshipped Valkur, using his holy symbol as a spell focus.   Unfortunately, Kleth was decieved and Valkur was only a facade of the Gravebound. Kleth was a Grave Slave.  

Rithrana Rrostarr

Drow Vampire Monster Hunter

Rithrana One Million One was a Drow turned into a vampire, when a one attacked her and her sister Bela during an outing late at night. She was bitten first, but Bela quickly went after the vampire with a clove of garlic as Rithrana passed out.   When she awoke her sister was dead and the vampire had fled. She never stopped trying to find answers, taking a special interest in vampires, and hiding the fact that she was a vampire as well. This was a fairly easy thing to hide in the Underdark and barely affected her life for a while.   As a detective with the Underguard Forensic Divination Squad Rithrana was an excellent tracker. She joined the party after Kleth left.  


First Mission

The King's Claw sailed to the Hold of the Sea Princes and defeated them easily, returning with a black box the King had been looking for. When they returned the King held a festival.   During the festival, the quintet noticed that people were going missing and began investigating.  

Dory and the Kraken

The King's Claw found a shrine where Mr Dory, an advisor of King Skotti, was hiding out. Dory was about to sacrifice Zangrin to a Kraken but the party stopped it. In the process, Yeros was nearly killed by Dory. However, Kleth saved his life.   At this same time a detective from the Underdark arrived to investigate the missing people and noticed that Kleth had an aura of Undeath around him. She was wary of him, but being undead herself she knew undead could be good.   This hesitation was a mistake. While following Kleth, Rithrana noticed him killing several people. She confronted him in front of everyone and things quickly went sideways. Yeros and the others joined the fight. They fought Kleth hard and drove him away. But not before Yeros took a stray bolt of his energy.   Yeros was bedridden for months. His brother, Zangrim, played music at his side and helped him. Yeros grew and appreciation for his brother's talents. And Zangrim was proud of Yeros when he finally recovered, filled with impossible new knowledge. Yeros invented electricity. He invented Warforged. He invented impossible things. He had to. He knew the Gravebound was coming. However, he did not forsee Mordecai's revenge.  

Mordecai's Revenge

The retired old sailor was filled with rage when his wife gave birth to a gnome. Mordecai came back to Seaton and attacked the city. He killed King Skotti, and was about to do the same for Zangrim, but Yeros intervened. Yeros killed Mordecai and the battle was over.   Yeros was lauded as folk hero and named King of Seaton, which was renamed Tarkeltopia. But the party was fractured - Mordecai was dead, Zulynn was a mother, Kleth was evil - and beating the Gravebound would no longer be possible.   Yeros shored up the defenses of his city and made it an inpenertable arc, but he would never forgive his brother.  

End of the World

Yeros and Zangrim watched the end of their world with the rest of Seaton and Rithrana Rrostarr. Rithrana knew that if anyone could find a way to bring back her family it was Yeros.   However, Yeros became extremly bitter and withdrawn. He saw the ultimate victory. He preparred for everything. And his horny bard brother and some elf with a rock fetish ruined everything. It couldn't be worse.   Rithrana worked dilligently to calm these feelings. She tried to cheer him up, and eventually they grew closer.  

Traversing Realities

Yeros, motivated by his new partner, decided they needed to help the other realities to stop the Gravebound. So he sent Warforged to other universes. One named Doc came back damaged, and carrying two stowaways. They realized they needed to be more careful. Another mistake like that could bring the Gravebound to them.
Military, Knightly Order

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