The Ghost of Fray Character in Red Sky Abandoned | World Anvil

The Ghost of Fray

The Ghost of Fray is a legendary figure who supposedly stole the claws from the paw of Wildcat Vorskar. He had unbelievable dexterity and strength. He could go anywhere freely, and could steal the shadow from a cat. However, he had a penchant for making himself known. Though he could pick the lock of an @Astral Prison Barge, he would reportedly blast the lock with a few dozen rockets.   The more ridiculous the better, as it seemed to him. After scaling the outer cliffs of the Flying Fortress, passing through the rat horde, and shadowing Vorskar throughout the castle,  the Ghost of Fray hailed his enemy, demanding the satisfaction of a fight. The exact details are unknown, but the thief left without an ear and Vorskar nursed five gaping and bleeding holes on his paw.   The Ghost of Fray is a moniker, and is frequently used to describe scoundral children. It is not uncommon to hear parents saying, "You'd best go to bed or the Thief will steal your fingers." Or, "I'll tell the Cat I've found his claws."   ****   His origins are unknown, but it is unlikely he is from Fray.    ....