Harthin (Half-Folk) Species in Realms of Nocturne | World Anvil
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Harthin (Half-Folk)

The Harthin, often referred to as the Half-folk by those less familiar with their race are among the smallest of the humanoid races. Being short built between 3-4 feet tall, and short fur and long ears. Originally seen as a rather wild species that was only ever seen in the wild outreaches of the woodlands, has now become more and more a relative member of many humanoid and communities. This is due to their quick whits and rowdy and easy going demeanor's. Their calendar hosting hundreds of celebrations often decorated by many celebrations that are come up with and delivered by the individual but no less received, this has made Harthins to be known as rather festivious creatures who enjoy the many leisure's and joys of a community.   Even with the recent years of Harthins moving into humanoid populations much of their race still lies clinging to their old roots and isolation these are known as Wild Harthin Who by all means are the direct counterpart of the standard Harthin who call cities and townships their home. Often rather enjoying their isolated communities within the wilderness kept safe with a massive array of poisonous traps, slings, and creatures and keep any unfriendly individuals at bay.     Racial Traits   Ability Score Increase: Your Dex Increases by 2   Alignment: Regardless of where a Harthin hails from whether it be the wilderness, the frigid north, or in a bustling city they all hold the good hearted revelry and fun at heart and generally lean to the side of Chaotic Good.   Speed: your base walking speed is 30ft   Breathe softly: A Harthin may in times of need tap into its natural magics and take in a breath of air, and while this breath is held the Harthin is under the effects of invisibility, This effect persists as long as the Harthin can hold their breath and doesn't otherwise break the rules of invisibility. The Harthin can use this ability once every Long-rest.   Strongwilled: You have advantage of saves to prevent being frightened, additionally you cannot be mind controlled or have your decisions influences or otherwise be charmed.   Stoutfolk: you can move through the space of any creature that is of a size larger than yours.   Languages: You can speak, read, and write common and Halfling.    Subrace: the three main kinds of Harthin are, Urban Harthin, Wild Harthin, and Yeti Harthin.   Urban Harthin The city folk, populating any bustling tavern, shop, or city street with their festive and outgoing personalities and their cute stature. The Urban Harthin are the most outgoing and the social of their race, Who have fully integrated themselves into humanoid society and have largely separated themselves from their more wild cousins. Kind, clever, and most of all talkative their are few way limiting the progression and climb in society the small population of Harthin can achieve within a city, however its not often they pursue such taxing ventures and instead live out their days in a shop or in revelry.    Ability Score Increase: Charisma score increases by 1   Infectious personality: Harthin have a naturally harmless visage and this is especially so for the Urban Harthin allowing them to have advantage on persuasion checks with residents in cities and townships that are in relative social standing with them and are not already hostile to them. Additionally creatures with a conscious such as humanoid often struggle to have the stomach to strike them when they have done no wrong, if a Harthin is engaged by a creature in combat or target by a melee,ranged or spell attack and has otherwise not taken a hostile action such as an attack, or otherwise spited the attacker the attacker must roll with disadvantage. one the Harthin shows its dangerous this benefit is no longer in effect.   Wild Harthin The wild and often isolationist cousins of the Harthin race, Living in the far recesses of forestry and low hill-lands in their well defended hovels and villages. Wild Harthens despise the consumption of meat and the production of industry seeing it as a irritation sin of the tall folk. Even with their spite toward technological progress they are no less kind than their city dwelling cousins, hence why they much rather prefer to deal with trespass's and attackers without ever seeing them. Utilizing traps that are often ingenious and well designed however are rarely deadly less one trespasses to close to the village. it goes without saying that seeing a Wild Harthin in civilized land is both a rarity and something for worry as to what caused them to be so far from home.   Ability Score Increase: Constitution score increases by 1   Trapper Expert: Growing up in the dense wilderness, its often difficult to walk through any break in the tree's without triggering a trap and discovering a new way to die. So all Wild Harthin are trained in trapping both in there construction, nature, and how to avoid them. Allowing the Harthin whenever using tools or otherwise in the process of employing a trap gains advantage on the roll and the stealth roll of hiding a trap is treated as doubled. Additionally Harthin while traveling at at least a normal pace they automatically succeed in spotting traps and hidden passageways. This bonus does not work however if traveling underground or in a structure or city.   Yeti Harthin Rarely seen and rarely in good quarters are the often rumored to be barbaric cousins of the Harthin known as the Yeti Harthin. These Harthins fur stack so greatly on their bodies giving them a menacing and yeti like demeanor in so much white fur, this menacing aura only lessened by their short stature albeit slightly taller than their southern cousins. yet even so the Harthins of the Reach are albeit it stoic no less kind hearted once one works their way through their stubborn demeanor that they have taken so much from their Dwarven neighbors. Unlike the Wild Harthin the Yeti Harthin prefer to fight with weapons in hand, close and personal and when it comes to it are more than capable of rending throats with their razor sharp teeth hidden beneath their thick white beards.    Ability Score Increase: Strength score increases by 1    Jaw: Your sharp toothed maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your Strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike.   Grit of the Yeti: Surprisingly to their cute and soft fur, Yeti Harthin truly are tough hiding hard leathered hide beneath their already thick fur that is capable of enduring the harsh elements, thus any non necrotic damage that would reduce you below zero to a negative number equal to your current character level (minimum of 1) does not render you unconscious until that number is exceeded. Additionally you are considered a medium creature for the purposes of using two-handed weaponry.

Basic Information


Harthins as I have previously recorded are short built bipedal creatures, with no outer defenses however much of their stature is well built for stealthy actions allowing them to have a high sensory range often for the purposes of seeing and hiding from dangers far before they ever see them.

Growth Rate & Stages

Harthins reach adulthood at the same rate as humans however can live upwards of 130 years.

Ecology and Habitats

Even with the stereotypes Harthins are very adaptable creatures their bodies often evolving to better the environments they are in, Such as the more common city dwellers looking far more human with less fur and shorter ears by comparison to their near yet like counterparts in the northern Reach who are practically balls of soft fur.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Most Harthins detest the consumption of meats, less he be a city dwellers or Northern born who have largely changed their appetities to match the abundances of meats and other delicacies.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

The distribution of the Harthin race is largely dependent on what type with the Urban Harthin being found in near every city all be it in small populations by comparison and with the Wild and Yeti Harthin being distributed in their own small villages and settlement along the green forestry of the Midwest and the Harsh North of the Andals and the Reach.

Average Intelligence

They may be kind, however Harthin are very sharp creatures with minds that are almost always running as quickly;y as their mouths spewing forth ideas and other odd clever notions. However as with their rather lax nature they are often at the fate of a coin flip whether their intelligence is above average or below however they always are capable of learning more.
130 years
Average Height
3-4 feet tall
Average Weight

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