The Talons of Old Machal Organization in Realm Nine | World Anvil
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The Talons of Old Machal

The noble warrior caste of a civilization trodden underfoot and forgotten, forced to abandon those they would sacrifice anything to protect. Blades that shielded the innocent and defenseless now turn to more unsavory uses. Their culture is preserved through the spilling of blood and furtive transfer of valuables.   Old Machal was engulfed by war when the Talons fled their posts, as was much of Urkenthest. Generations later those lands are once more embroiled in conflict. Not a conflict that pits the Machalli against an invading force but one that sets Urken against Urken, tearing the nation in two. Strife and despair cling to every corner of the land, and yet the Talons remain unwelcome. For some deeds are not so easily forgiven.   Unwanted and unforgiven the Talons wander, watching empires crumble and lending their blades to any able to pay them. But even now they think fondly of their ancient home. Even now they gather to hear Bone Talons recall stories told by those that came before, those that lived on the stony cliffs beside the sea that became known as Old Machal.


In the Talons your rank is designated by the material the replica talon hung around your neck is made of. These can be crafted from wood, bronze, iron, steel, bone, Seasteel, and Godspearl, a metal with the coloration and patterning of pearl.   Wood Talons: New recruits (primarily taken from within the tribe). Bronze Talons: Wood Talons that master the dagger, bow, and unarmed combat. Sometimes called upon to support their superiors as archers. Iron Talons: Bronze Talons that master a variety of sword. These can sometimes act as front-line warriors if needed. Steel Talons: Iron Talons accomplished in the fields of stealth and strategy. These are the primary field agents and warriors of the Talons. Bone Talons: Old and experienced Talons tasked with gathering and recording knowledge. They use this information to train and advise the less experienced and preserve the tribe's many rituals and fragments of lore. Seasteel Talons. Elite soldiers and assassins with years of experience and an impressive list of accomplishments. They are the first Talons to be granted metal armor, and the only ones to wield blades forged from Seasteel. Godspearl Talons: Although they are masterful combatants the true strength of the Godspearl Talons is their abiding wisdom and gift for strategy. They govern the Talons as a ruling council, occasionally electing a singular leader in times where such leadership is required. The blades of their weapons, trim of their armor, and talons hung from their necks are all crafted from Godspearl to signify their power and the importance of their role.

Public Agenda

In short the Talons' only real goal is to survive and protect their way of life. They move hither and thither, supporting themselves with their blades and reputation. Even now, as the Urkenthestine Empire lies in ruins the Talons still fear its wrath. For their crimes were not the sort to be easily forgiven.   In addition to sparing their own hides the Talons seek to preserve the culture of their people: the Machalli. For as influence from the north and east grew stronger, the Talons had been forced to watch the traditions, rituals, and languages of the western coast disappear, little by little. Although the Machalli had always been distinctly Urken, there was still a great deal that set them apart from the rest of the continent. It is that difference that modern Talons wish to preserve.


The Talons are, by their very nature, flush with assassins and warriors, and are more than willing to use them for the promise of gold or glory. As a result they also boast a considerable stock of weapons, armor, and other equipment related to their trade. However this stock is seldom replenished due to a lack of materials and craftsmen and has shrunken slowly over time.   The Talons also possess a few battered ships and a small fleet of wagons, which make their many journeys considerably easier.   It should also be acknowledged that the Talons have amassed a sizable fortune over their many years of operation. Of course much of their payment has gone towards food, clothing, equipment, and transportation, but a little remains.


Once the Talons were an integral part of Machalli society. They were the warrior caste. Raiders, defenders, and (if needs be) assassins that served their people before themselves. As the Wings were charged with the sailing of ships and the Beaks with the gathering of supplies, the Talons were given the task of ensuring the Machalli lived in peace.   For hundreds of years they performed their duties admirably, becoming masters of sword, bow, and dagger and developing a reputation for honorable conduct. That was before the series of campaigns that became known as the unification of Urkenthest. Before Tllothii Vuuhaa led his armies to the western coast and demanded that its peoples join his united Urkenthest.   Up and down the coast clans, tribes, and kingdoms defied him, and few more so than the Machalli. They fought valiantly, but the efforts of the Talons seemed as though they would be in vain. Tllothii had an army larger than some nations and the most advanced weaponry in Urkenthest, there was precious little a band of warriors armed with swords and bows could do.   In the depths of their despair the Talons turned to the Eyes of the Machalli, a caste of mages tasked with guiding the tribe and learning what they could of the world's magic. From them the Talons learned the maligned Blood-Change Sigil, a potent and horrific spell that yields a painful death.   With this sea-born curse in hand they drove back Tllothii's legions, but only for a time. They had done great harm to the conquerors army, but they had also earned his eternal hatred and certain death should his forces find them. In shame for what they had done and fear of what might be done to them they fled, leaving behind those they were sworn to defend and praying that they would not suffer at the hands of their new ruler.   Now the Talons live in disgrace. An order of warriors that could not claim victory and bodyguards that turned heel when those they guarded most needed them. To this day the talons refuse to wear the traditional scaled suurkiaa of the Machalli. How could they bring themselves to don the garb of a people they betrayed?
Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Alternative Names
The Vagrant Talons, The Talons, etc.
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Members of the band are known as Talons.
Related Ethnicities

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