The Black Bison and Paul Brothers Shoot Out of 1896 Military Conflict in Read Dead Online Character Lore | World Anvil
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The Black Bison and Paul Brothers Shoot Out of 1896

The Conflict


In 1896 a wealthy family known as the Gerard family was moving goods from their estate in Chicago to a safe location in California. The Black Bison Gang was tipped off about this and planned to rob the 2 heavily armed wagons and collect the thousands of dollars worth of jewelry and paraphernalia.


The Black Bison Gang sent their 14 best men and women for fighting to ambush the 2 wagons. These men and women were the three leaders Eva Kildahl, Dylan West, and Jon Freeman as well as other talented members such as Gunther Schmidt, Klara Schmidt, Angus Gordon, Carlton Otters, Franky Willard, Durant Thomas, Duke Wayne and Gregory Westford   The Paul Brothers Gang was aware of the Black Bison Gang's plan and wanted the score for themselves, they sent 21 of their crew members along with the leaders at the time, Ronnie and Ricky Paul.


Directly after the shootout both gangs fled without the entirety of the score. Both gangs would mourn their fallen gang members and would grow a stronger hatred for the other.


In the long term this shootout gave Ricky Paul full control over the gang and would let him enact his revenge against the Black Bison Gang which would result in the attack in 1897 which resulted in the death of most the Black Bison Gang.
Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Neither gang won the full score, both gangs fled with only pockets of the mountains of valuable goods.


The Black Bison Gang

Led by

The Paul Brothers Gang

Led by


The Black Bison Gang has the strength of 14 of their best members.
The Paul Brothers Gang had the strength of 23 members including the two leaders at the time.


The Shootout resulted in the death of Angus Gordon and Carlton Otters.
The shootout ended up with the death of one of the leaders Ronnie Paul as well as several members of the gang.


The Black Bison Gangs objective was to defend the two wagons they scored from a rich family moving their goods.
The Paul Brothers Gang’s objective was to obtain the Black Bison Gangs stolen wagons filled with valuables.

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