The Ravit as a Species Species in Ravits | World Anvil
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The Ravit as a Species

Ravits are human sized rabbit like anthromorphs that live in villages or cities with populations from a few dozen to a few thousand in one place.

Basic Information


As rodent Anthropomorphs the Ravit walks on two legs, has 4 claws on the end of 4 fingers. these 'fingers' are connected by skin with the only part not being the claws. Ravits come in several morphs with several mutations possible.   Some generalizations can be made about each body type of ravit   Regular have soft short fur Furred have long dence fur Feathered are covered in down and have long feathers at the crest of the head, down the arms and at the ankles. Despite having feathers they are still mammalian and can not fly.

Genetics and Reproduction

Despite being mammalian ravits lay eggs.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ravits start life as a cream with brown spots egg. They hatch as babies that need around the clock care, and to be fed milk. At 7 months of age they begin to start walking and at around the same time they begin to form words. From there they are considered a child tell the age of 16 ware they are considered a young adult. They are considered old at around 50 years but can live to more then 80 years on avarge

Ecology and Habitats

a land dwelling species that can live anywhere

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ravits are omnivores and can and do enjoy eating meat however most of there diet consist of bread, nuts, vegetables, and the occasional fruit.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Ravits live in large extended families with the family living close or even in the same house. While not rare it is uncommon especially in smaller settlements to see a ravit living on their own.

Average Intelligence

Humanlike inteligence

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Ravits have an excellent seance of hearing and smell and have fantastic color vision. Ravits can not use magic themselves or cast spells.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Ravit names are widely varied and depend largely on the individual family customs.

Gender Ideals

Matriarchal but with little differing the sexes.

Common Dress Code

Ravits are fine with nudity as they are covered in fur or feathers however they often dress as a method off self expression

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

A usually happy bunch ravits love excuses to celebrate and often have festivals almost every other month. These festivals vary from settlement to settlement but often there are a few celebrations shared over large populations.

Common Taboos

Cannibalism, incest, war
Average Height
4 foot - 6 foot with the average being around 5 foot

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