Scavenger Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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Scavengers are best known for their ability to work with nature spirits rather then opposed to them. Scavengers wield knives, daggers, and occasionally spears for self defence but prefer to not engage or engage in friendly ways spirits and wild animals. Their knowledge of wild plants is unmatched.   Scavengers main stat is agility   Scavengers start with the following skills at +3: Herbalism, scouting, Animal handling.   Scavengers have a defence of 7   Starting abilities   Calm creature - when dealing with an aggressive creature you may have a bounce +3 to animal handling. This can be used 3 times a day   Methodical - when in a complex encounter a ravit with this skill can spend a merit token to gain an extra turn. - passive   Learned Abilities    Lay of the land - when rolling a check to look for traps you may use the scouting skill and receive +2 to the roll - passive | 8 merit tokens   Tame Animal - when faced with a wild animal that is not actively aggressive towards you you may make an animal handling check opposed by the animal's knowledge roll. If successful the animal will become friendly towards you. If you manige 3 successful checks the animal will become your companion. can not be used on domestic animals. - useable once a day | animal handling of 10. 10 merit tokens   Healing herbs - using herbs you have found in the wild you are able to make a healing paste that will heal one ravit for 1 heart - useable 3 times a day | herbalism 7. 6 merit tokens   Friend of the spirits - you have proven yourself kind and good to nature. Nature spirits are now non aggressive to you and distrusting but wont outright attack party members - passive | 15 merit tokens   Swift - When in combat your ravit may make 3 actions in one turn if 2 of them are to move. Outside of combat any check that would require swift movement gets a +3. - useable 3 times a day | requires agility of 8 and costs 10 merit tokens

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