Pirate Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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Thieves of the high seas. Pirates come from all kinds of backgrounds and are brought together under the lead of a captain. However it's not uncommon to find ex pirates or pirates between crews to adventure on land, though their home will always be the sea. Pirates are one of the few combat focused professions. Pirates main stat is agility   Pirates have a defence of 7   Pirates start with these skills at +3: Sword wielding, Explosives, Intimidation   Starting Abilities    Boom - Create an explosive using arcane stone or other combustible materials. Explosives do 2d4 damage each. Makes 1d4 explosives. Useable once a day   Ruthless - when in combat if any die crit you may roll that die again. If it crits you do another heart of damage and can roll again. This continues until you stop rolling crits. Passive   Learned Abilities    Cut throat - If your enemy is at half hearts you can do X2 damage with a blade - usable 2 times a day| Requires a 6 in sword wielding costs 8 merit tokens   Fearsome - when making an intimidation check you may add +2 -passive | costs 6 merit tokens   Big boom - all explosives thrown by this ravit do 1 extra die of damage (so if it did 2d4 it now would do 3d4) - passive | requeirs Explosives 8 costs 10 merit tokens   Pickpocket - take an object off a person without being noticed. Roll your agility against the target's knowledge if you roll higher you take 1 item or bag off the target without being noticed. - useable 3 times a day | agility of 6 costs 6 merit tokens   Sea legs - your time on the sea means you find it second nature to walk on the rocking surface of a ship. You get +1 to all checks when on a boat - passive | 5 merit tokens


Social Status

lowest of the low. No one trusts a pirate no one should. Most NPCs will turn hostile if they find out you are or where a pirate

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