Performer Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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Performer is the ravitin term for all artists be they actors, painters, sculptures, musicians or otherwise. Performers are considered to have the mixed blessings of creativity and if this blessing is not used it will drive the ravit mad. Because of this at young ages if a ravit shows great interest and potential in an art form they are often sent to a collage of the arts to study under the masters. Here they learn how to perform their art in front of a crowd and how to negotiate work for themselves. A performers main stat is charm   Performers start with these skills at +3: (The art form they are most profeshint in), public speaking, barter.   Performers have a defense of 5   Starting Abilities   Perform - let others watch you at your craft. This can be used to gain coins or to gain others attention. If to gain coins roll a skill check of that type of art. If you crit roll again and add the result to your total. Multiply this by 5 for how many coins you earn. If you are performing as a distraction simply roll a skill check for this form of art. Or if the GM feels it necessary it becomes a complex encounter. You may do this twice a day   Words of encouragement - when helping another your ravit can say something to inspire the others. Roll 1d4 and add it to the original 1d6 + stat/skill you used to help. If you crit on the 1d4 multiply your total result x2 so (2d4 +1d6 + stat/skill) x 2. you may use this three times a day   Learned abilities   Silver tongued - when trying to persuade another using any means you get a +1 - passive | 8 merit tokens   Uplifting words - your ravit may give a short speech and roll a public speaking check if the roll is 10 or above all who hear it and are inspired by it get a +5 on their next check of any kind. - useable once a day | requires a 8 in public speaking and costs 12 merit tokens   Sleight of paw - quick and light fingered you are capable of frisking any object away from its owner when attempting to subtly steal something you have a +3 - useable 3 times a day | 10 merit tokens   Tap into madness - you have embraced the madness inside your creative soul and can now call upon it at will. This will send you into a frenzy. Your character will act erratically and if fighting an enemy will do X2 damage. However after using this you cannot use any other skills until you rest and your ravit will feel the deep urge to create. - useable once a day | 15 merit tokens   Blessed creativity - your ravit may fall into a trance like state. During this state your ravit will be able to ask their artforms patron deity for advice. The deity will reply in whatever the performer made while in the trance - useable once a day | requires a 10 in any artistic talent 12 merit tokens

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