Monk Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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There are two kinds of monks in the world of ravits. Ones that study and catalog all deities worshiped by ravits. And Ones that are under the study of one particular deity. Either way monks act as ambassadors between ravits and the highly powerful magical creatures they call gods. Monks start with a defence of 6   Monks start with the following skills at +3: Negotiation, Knowledge: religion, Knowledge magic   Starting Abilities    Guidance - At shrines and places of warship if a study of all deities or at your specific deities shrine if you are an acolyte of one, you may ask 1 question. Roll a d20 The GM also rolls a d20 if your roll is higher than the gms then the deity you are trying to communicate with will answer you in some way. Usabel once a day.   Divine interference - when trying to stabilize oneself rolling a 17,18,19 or 20 will stabilize you. passive   Learned Abilities   Last rights - When a player dies you may pray over then and roll 1d20. If you roll 17-19 they come back to life but are unconscious and sustain major permanent wounds. Blessings of any kind will no longer work for them. If you roll a 20 they will make a recovery with permanent injuries but can still receive blessings - useable once a day | 17 merit tokens   Understand spirits - lets you understand the language of spirits - passive | Knowledge: magic at 5 costs 5 merit tokens   Sacred grounds - The ravit is able to consecrate the ground around them in the name of one deity/the deity they follow by drawing a ring of salt around the protected area. No spirits may enter - useable once a day | 12 merit tokens   Sweet talker - During negotiations you get a +3 if you are negotiating with anything that can be bribed by well bribing them. - useable 3 times a day | 8 merit tokens   Fate’s hand - If a complex encounter ends with even fails and success or more fails then success you may roll 1d20 if you roll 17-19 you may add one success. If you roll 20 you may add two. - useable once a day | 12 merit tokens.

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