Hunter Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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Hunters are masters at well the hunt. Utilizing traps, tracking, and long distance weaponry such as bows, throwing spears, and cross bows, hunters know the wilds like the backs of there paws. one of the few combat focused classes a Hunter also knows how to defend there kill so they can bring it home   A hunters main stat is Agility   Hunters have the following skills at +3: Bow wielding, trap making, and tracking   Hunters start off with a defense of 8     Class abilities   Superb tracking - While finding or following tracks hunters get +3 to all rolls about finding what they are tracking - passive   Trap making - Using supplies you have you may make a trap that damages the enemy for 1d6 and immobilizes them tell they can make an agility roll over 10 - you may do this twice a day.   Learned Abilities   Spirit bane- your knowledge of what will drive magical forces away is unparalleled. Now doing a critical hit, or attacking using a magical enemies weakness you deal 1 extra heart of damage - passive | 12 merit tokens   Swift arrow - Lets you use both actions to fire your bow 3 separate times for standard damage. - 3 uses a day |requires a 7 in bow wielding 8 merit tokens   Pinpoint - If you strike an enemy successfully with your first action you may use your second action to attack the same enemy again with a +5 modifier. This does not replace the AGL or STR modifier but instead is added to it - useable 2 times a day | Requires a 7 in agility 10 merit tokens   Duck and weave - your ability to dodge attacks has brought your defence up by +1 - passive | requires 10 in agility and 10 merit tokens   Bravery - When being faced against any kind of intimidation opposed skill check you will get an extra +3 to your roll - useable 3 times a day | 5 merit tokens



Hunters need to be well trained by a master in both archery and navigating the wilderness.

Career Progression

Usually starting as hunting along side a master hunter over time they will begin to hunt on there own and possibly later take an apprentice.

Payment & Reimbursement

Hunters are often working just to feed there family but if they chose to sell exses meat they are payed handsomely for it.



Often those living in rural areas, rarely from aristocratic backgrounds.



Bow and Arrow Daggers

Dangers & Hazards

The biggest hazards to a hunter are hungry predators looking for an easy meal and angry nature spirits.

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