FogHorns Species in Ravits | World Anvil
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art by species by Hamsterfluf
Fog horns are a staple of ravit life. With their warm wool they provide much of the raw materials for textiles. With their loud Bellowing, witch earned them the name foghorn, they alert the village to potential threats ... or the mailbit. Normally coming with white, cream, or brown wool they have been known to have brown, white ,cream or rarely pastel colors for their shorter fur on the face and legs. While rather friendly and excitable a well trained foghorn can be used for tracking, leading the blind, and other jobs dogs in our world hold. Traditionally bells are tied to their horns so lost flock members may be more easy found in tall vegetation.   Stats Hearts - 4 | Defense -5   Agility - 6 | Charm - 7 | Knowledge - 4A | Strength - 3   Natural weapon - Horn 1d6 +str   Abilities   Bellow - foghorn lets out a loud bellow. All creatures next to the foghorn must make a Strength check with a Target number of 6. Any creature that fails this check are stunned and lose their next turn. Ravits with the Farmer Class are immune. usable 4 times a day   Charge - The foghorn charges at full speed at the target and deals 1d8+Agl to the target. Usable 2 times a day   Keen senses - Fog horns my help with tracking rolls at 1d8 with no modifiers. Passive

If you would like a base to design your FogHorn, please check here   Like all ravit species FogHorns are an open species you may make your own. yes you make make adoptibels, but do not use the official base for adopts

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