Fisherbit Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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Water loving folk who live at the shore of rivers and the kind sea. Using nets, spears, and fishing poles they can take on some truly monstrous fish and hold their own against monsters from the depths and the land.   Fisherbits start with these skills at +3: Fishing, trap making, boating   Fisherbits have a defense of 8   Starting abilities   Entangle - use a net of some sort to trap the target preventing them from moving and lowering their defense by 5 for two of the targets turns. Must have something to entangle with. Up to 2 uses a day.   Water lover - This ravit is a natural when in the water. All skill checks done in water get a +2. Passive   Learned Abilities    Helpful - You may make helping skill check rolls with 1d8 + (stat/skill) - passive | 6 merit tokens   Lure crafting - while best with fish once a day your ravit may craft a lure for one particular kind of creature. (From as generic as “Large fish” to specific as “the kind of deer that live only in this forest”). When a lure is crafted roll a d12 + Trap making. When the lure is spotted by anything that would be attracted to the lure the creature must make a Knowledge skill check against the roll that was made when the lure was created. If failed, the creature will follow the lure for 1 minute before having to make the check again. - useable once a day | 10 merit tokens   Dive - Dive down under water with extreme skill! While underwater your defence is +3 however you may only stay below the water for 2 turns - passive | requires strength of 7. Costs 8 merit tokens   Brace - brace yourself for an oncoming attack! Roll a strength check and the GM will roll strength for the attacker. If your ravit wins all damage from the attack is negated - Useable 2 times a day | requires strength of 10 and costs 12 merit tokens   Fish slap - use a fish you have on hand as a weapon. Roll a strength check opposed by the target. If you win the target is stunned for its next turn and can not act - useable 3 times a day | 5 merit tokens
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry

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