Farmer Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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The most knowledgeable on domestic animals and plants, farmers are the keystone to any society. Here the ravit farmer is well known for these things: Connecting to domestic animals, knowledge of domestic plants and their uses, improvised weapons and traps to protect their homes.   A farmers main stat is strength   Farmers start with the following skills at +3 each. Animal handling, knowledge: plants, Improvised weapon making.   Farmers start with a defense of 8   Starting abilities   Animal companion - your ravit may have one domestic animal of your choice for free. If this animal companion is taken from the owning ravit permanently (Leaving it at a farm, Death) then you may get a new companion. - passive   If you can hold it you can swing it - if wielding an improvised weapon (anything that has use beyond a weapon or is non standard i.e. frying pan, big stick) you may do 1 extra dice of the weapons die type in damage. You may do this up to 3 times a day.   Learned Abilities   Sharpen - any improvised weapon can be brought up by 1 die type (d4->d6->d8->d10->d12) once. The player must state what modifications they are making to the weapon that would give it that bonus (putting nails threw a bat, sharpening an already sharp shovel to a deadlyer edge) - useable once a day | requires improvised weapons 5 Costs 6 merit tokens   Friend to animals - when confronting an animal all non aggressive actions get a +2 - passive | requires animal handling 8. costs 8 merit tokens   Rehome animal - when faced with an unowned or feral domestic animal you may make an animal handling check opposed by the animals knowledge roll. If successful the animal will become friendly towards you. If you manige 3 successful checks the animal will become your companion. Can not be used on wild animals - useable once a day | animal handling of 10. 10 merit tokens   Mounted combat - when fighting from the back of any mount you gain +2 damage to all attack rolls against un mounted targets - passive | Requires riding 3 costs 10 merit tokens   Animal Training - lets you teach an animal companion skills and level them up at the cost of merit tokens. 3 merit tokens to teach a new skill and 2 merit tokens to level it up - passive | 7 merit tokens
Agricultural / Fishing / Forestry

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