Doctor Profession in Ravits | World Anvil
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Healers of all kinds call themselves doctors. Most have trained under a skilled healer or at a medical college. Doctors mix traditional herbal remedies, and chemistry to make healing brews, salves, and concoctions. While most Doctors have taken an oath to do no harm these are often conditional allowing for self defence. A doctor’s main stat is knowledge   Doctors start with a defence of 6   Doctors start off with +3 in the following skills: Medison, chemistry, herbalism   Starting Abilities   Healing Paws - Lets you heal others or self for 2d4 hearts (hearts cant go over max). Can be used 4 times a day.   Remedy making - Lets you use natural herbs and chemicals to create remedies of different varieties. You must select herbs with the properties you want then roll a medison check (or a chemistry check if using non herbal ingredients). If your number is higher than the target number )decided by the GM) you will make a batch of 3 remedies that are all the same. Usable once a day.   Learned Abilities   First Aid - when stabilizing an unconscious character the unconscious character will regain 1 heart however they will be unable to join combat but they can run away. - passive | Requires medison 8 and 10 merit tokens   Cheating Death - when a character dies the ravit with this skill can attempt to revive them. They roll a medison check and the GM rolls 1d20 if the medison check is higher the character is revived to unchanshis with severe permanent damage. - useable once a day can not be used in combat | requires a medison of 10 and 15 merit tokens   Disease immunity - when rolling to see if you contract an illness you get +3 to your roll to resist - passive | 5 merit tokens   Healthy hearts - gives you 1 extra heart -passive | 12 merit tokens   Anatomical knowledge - your knowledge of anatomy leads you to pick out a creature's weakness quickly. Once per day you may make a Knowledge:anatomy check with a tn of 8 and if you are successful the GM will tell you if there are any weak points. - once a day | requires Knowledge:anatomy 3 and costs 8 merit tokens

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